mediokur outdoor bagseed grow

ganga 420

hey guys i got a first time experiment grow in the works ''ill try to post a pic or two soon'' but i have a few problems and questions.
my plant is 11 weeks old and its around 14 inches tall it has only 5 nodes i havnt been feeding it i just gave it a miracle grow plant food stick that u put in the soil it kinda sounds like a total nute burn disaster waiting to happen i can just remove the stick from the soil
i want to cut it but with only 4 legit ''fan leaf'' nodes is it ready to be topped? i havnt sexed it yet eather, it just seems streched out but otherwise healthy and unfortunately is in a kinda shady spot where there arwe trees overhead and it doesnt get direct sunlight
last thing the bottom 3 set leaves are yellowing ones already dead this was prior to the nute stick im trying and i have no soil ph tester ill try to post pics asap
all i need is guidance to help me not kill it im not looking for a huge yield at all just something to learn from personally...PLEASE REPLY!!!


Active Member
the bottom leaves are dying from the no sun problem i would assume..and would give it another 2weeks before i tried topping it..and definatly move it into the sun and you should see big difference.
And really no sense in doing much until you can determine the sex.(thats why i like clones). Also take that stick out and alternate you waterings with just water for a few weeks then give it some fert. i give 2 waters of strait water and then no expert but its what works for me...