medium getting too warm..


Active Member
this isn't my first grow, but i'm running into problems that i haven't run into before. i guess this started about a couple weeks ago. my babies germed near the beginning of oct. so i let them do their thing without nutes for i think 2 or 3 weeks. til the green started looking a little light. then i started mixing up ferts. the weird thing this time about mixing up fertilizers *that i completely overlooked* was that i had to add a lot more pH up than usual. anyways, i watered the plants, in the next couple days, they started looking burned and crispy. so i researched and read that from my symptoms could be 1 of 3 things. can't remember the other 2, but the last thing listed was TOO MUCH PH UP. that's when it clicked in my brain. so i haven't added any nutes, just been trying to leach and water with distilled water til things look up. things aren't looking too much better, but i decided to transplant since the roots are growing out of the container. most of the babies are fine, and here's the weird thing. i don't know what is wrong or how it came to be, but ladies that are doing the worst, for some reason the soil seems to be very warm to the touch. now, i have no idea what could be making the soil hot, or how to slow down this very bad progression, but if anyone can gimme some good advice, i would love to have it. thanks


Well-Known Member
that's weird dude any idea to temperature? try covering your soil with a white peice of paper or something maybe the light is heating it


Well-Known Member
mulch would help and/or a white bucket that's a little larger than their pot.... pretty crazy though, i know unless there's some insane chemical reaction going on that soil isn't heating itself up, so i'd check ambient temps too. goodluck with this one!


Well-Known Member
some composts produce heat while decomposing matter but its never to warm to burn plants so i agree with andyK chemical reaction of some kind, I had a chemical reaction 2 weeks ago when I added pesticide to my water with nutes. Are you using more than 1 nute at a time?


Well-Known Member
an exothermic chemical reaction? There are also endothermic reactions that cause cooling sometimes freezing, I don't know what you have in nutrients that would cause your soil to heat up but if that's whats happening you should better flush that soil bro, try mixing the same nutes in water in a higher concentration put it outside somewhere(you dont want any toxic gas floating around in your house) and see if it warms up if it does then that's whats causing your problem. other than that i can only assume its your light heating your dark soil like the sun heat the blacktop. if the last one is the case you could also cover the top of your soil with some white sand it also helps keep bugs out of your dirt as some will lay eggs in soil but cant dig through the sand.


Active Member
an exothermic chemical reaction? There are also endothermic reactions that cause cooling sometimes freezing, I don't know what you have in nutrients that would cause your soil to heat up but if that's whats happening you should better flush that soil bro, try mixing the same nutes in water in a higher concentration put it outside somewhere(you dont want any toxic gas floating around in your house) and see if it warms up if it does then that's whats causing your problem. other than that i can only assume its your light heating your dark soil like the sun heat the blacktop. if the last one is the case you could also cover the top of your soil with some white sand it also helps keep bugs out of your dirt as some will lay eggs in soil but cant dig through the sand.
thanks for everyones input. atm, nothering is getting better. i use floranova nutes, if that helps. and the soil i used was just regular miracle grow with a little fine dolimite to neutralize ph of soil. i'm at wits end. i have other plants that were started at the same time, same way, and they are completely fine. i've flushed, no change. flushed again maybe 5 days later, still necrosis taking over some of the leaves. i'll get a picture once i get a chance.