mellow yellow?

Here's a follow up to "Too Tall For Their Own Good?" (

The babies/ladies are looking much better!! A few weeks under the "daylight" CFL bulbs, plain filtered water, lights on for 18 hours then dark the rest. They're making steady progress. Leaves looking a bit yellow and droopy: is this a lack of water or nutrients?

I'm having a hard time sexing 'em up, so I might have to post close-ups later tonight (the lights have already gone out on Broadway for the day).

Thanks y'all, you saved them with your advice!IMG_6467.jpgIMG_6468.jpgIMG_6469.jpgIMG_6470.jpg

So what other hints can you throw my way?


Active Member
What kelvin are your cfls? They should be 5000 or higher right now. How often are you watering? They look over watered? & what kinda nutes are you using? They look burnt. More info for better advice!


Well-Known Member
Looks good. You have two in one pot. You should really consider using a single pot for each plant. Roots will get all tangled up and that's from experience.


Active Member
Umm, okay..A few questions.

1. Why are you growing, is that three plants? In the same pot??
2. How are you going to sex a plant at that stage? It looks less than a few weeks old?
3. Your plant looks overwatered and maybe a slight lack of N, but that could be total bs just a guess at the slight yellowing. They're probably fine though..

My advice at this point, move them to separate pots, water once a week or so and feed every other watering. Maybe get a fan on them to strengthen up those stems a bit and when they get there start training them with some LST or something to keep em short and stout under those CFLS.