Mephedrone info?


Well-Known Member
I'm just looking for some information from others about this. I've alwaya thoight it was a "bath salt".

The reason I ask, I picked up a g of what I thought was Molly and am now hearing it MAY be mephedrone. I already called the dude out on it not being Molly and says he'll give me my money back.


Well-Known Member
Ok now that I'm not doing this over my phone....

So like the story says, picked some type of shards (yellow/tan-ish. looks a lot like Sass if I really had to describe it) up last night and are now hearing that it may be Meph. Early this week I took a decent sized (.05-.1) finger dip out of the dudes bag and rolled pretty hard for about 30-45 minutes then a nice mellow roll after that initial wave of intense rolling.

Personally, I'd rather just stick with Molly. I've been looking up some info over my phone and it's all "official" documentation type stuff with all the scientific terms thrown in the mix. Not having a good chemistry background it makes it difficult.

I'm basically looking for y'alls first hand experiences and knowledge on this.


Well-Known Member
I bought an eight ball once, me though, Im not much for speed. For one who likes cocaine (I REALLY liked that shit at the time hehe) its a pretty nice chemical. Feels like a four hour long lasting cocaine to me.. Problem is I was up for way to long, got paranoid....

Well lemme say some low quality cocaine. But I have to say it was a lot of fun while it lasted. Id do it over any other bath salt.

Have fun man!! Molly is better though I agree, I even kinda like normal amphetamines more. The thing about meph is I wasn't cracked out til sleep deprivation kicked in. At first it was more mellow speed, yet felt like cocaine kinda to me.. Weird..


Well-Known Member
Order a complete kit if you want to be able to really test for MDMA as opposed to MDA. EZtest sells the complete (Marquis, Mecke, and Simon's) for $50 and you get about 200 drops of each, so it works out to be about $0.25/test. If your health isn't worth that I feel sorry for you.


Well-Known Member

I ordered mine earlier after that last post. Could save my life, my friends lives, and even others my dudes sells to.


Well-Known Member
Pretty pissed at my buddy now, but nothing I can do since it's been a while now.... Seems like it's the dealers who should have these kits and not the user. Guess now it wont happen again.

edit* Forgot to add, best 30$ I've spent. $20 for the kit, and another $10 for extra tubes.


Well-Known Member
The dealers really should be the ones using the kits. But the only way I see that happening is if users start demanding to test product prior to purchase and refusing to purchase anything that isn't what you want. Then dealers will be forced to test before they buy. But too many people don't care and just want to get fucked up.
I prefer the triple test because it can differentiate better.


Well-Known Member
I definitely second the triple test, but money's kind of low right now so this will have to do.

I talked to my dude about it and he's going to refund me, and he wanted me to get him a test kit so now he'll be able to check before he buys. Do you/ anyone know if I could take one of the small viles and place a few drops into one and then give those out to people? Just so I don't have to carry my main bottle and the test viles with me?


Well-Known Member
You only need one drop but I wouldn't put them in the little vials ahead of time. Marquis reagent is con sulfuric acid and formaldehyde. Neither of those should be kept in plastic for any amount of time.
Thats good your guy is refunding/replacing stuff and wants to get a kit. It'll help his business as he gets known for always having legit shit.


Well-Known Member
Thats good your guy is refunding/replacing stuff and wants to get a kit. It'll help his business as he gets known for always having legit shit.
I'm about to head over to his house now to test his new batch for him. I feel like a detective. :mrgreen:

MrDuck, Do you have any input on whether or not the Marquis can test LSD or not? I've read mixed reviews on this. Some say it will turn an olive green, but others say that is from the paper and will turn olive green if you put it on any type of paper product.


Well-Known Member
Marquis doesn't detect LSD, but there are kits for it. There's one that gets used by law enforcement as a field test that should be available pretty easily.


Well-Known Member
Been doing some police work, looks like there's not good Molls going around right now in my area. All of it comes up in the yellow/dark yellow spectrum. Really makes me wonder this past year when I started trying MDMA..... :x


Well-Known Member
here's another sample I tested from a friend who went to a Zoogma concert... looks like she got some goods.
