Merkel says German multi-cultural society has failed


Well-Known Member
Leaders from many parts of Europe are starting to speak up about this issue, over the past few years right wing parties have become more powerful although still a minority. Europeans in general are very open people and far more liberal than here in the states so when they start using language like this it really makes you wonder how bad the situation really is. My family in Europe used to complain and bitch about the east Germans all the time and now all they talk about are the Turks. This is purely speculation but with the rise of right wing politics in the states (tea party and immigration issues with Arizona) and after the GWB era maybe our neighbors in Europe have become emboldened......just a guess
Strange how history has a way of repeating its self. i remember this one guy from Germany he didnt like some of the people living there too he burned books and put people in camps took over most of europe what was that guys name..


Well-Known Member
You have a pretty simple understanding of history if you're comparing this to what Hitler did.
A step in the same direction?You compare a leader that massacres millions to a leader that says please learn our language?Thats a grand canyon sized step bro.The muslims have not assimilated into European society the way muslims in America have.