Merry St. Patrick's day!


Ursus marijanus
It is the one day a year I get a little Irish.


We have some traditional sports, like this


and the ever popular team sports


So if you plan on getting too drunk to find your weed ... stop in for a pint and a wallop!
An Irishman was flustered not being able to find a parking space in a large mall's parking lot.

"Lord,"he prayed,"I can't stand this.If you open a space up for me,I swear I'll give up drinking me whiskey, and I promise to go to church every Sunday."

Suddenly, the clouds parted and the sun shone on an empty parking spot. Without hesitation, the man said, "Never mind, I found one..."
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The classroom was trashed at my boys school today ....all the traps were sprung with no leprechaun ....little green footprints on the walls ....the teacher went all out ...oops i mean the leprechaun trashed that classroom .....put all the kids names at the bottom of the behavior chart little girl started crying over that one reminded me of a robbery it was totally tossed upside down .....damn leprechaun .....looks like explosives will be necessary next year .....
That's worth the drive .......expect an unexpected guess ......smoked chicken, now this brought this on yourself

Looks delicious happy St Patricks day Annie .....just got home from picking up BUB and the teacher wanted the trap to stay at school ...there pretty sure the leprechaun is still in there because he took a bath in the toilet while they were at recess .......or maybe an adult from the school has some crazy UTI like mentioned earlier and used the toilet while the kids were out .....either way will see what happens.
Lucky ....I've gotta go out and do some yard work of my metal arches I made for vines to climb over in the court yard fell over in the wind a while back ....and mommas been on my ass about it because it's slightly blocking her favorite path from the cars/driveway to the front door ((go figure)).....and yes there's two other walkways that are perfectly fine .......but I figure for a good supper and some st pattys day fun once the kids are asleep ....I better fix it ....TTU all later ...enjoy your evenings