
Well-Known Member
So SWIM has discovered a way to make alcohol extracted mescaline tar signifigantly more potent while elminating the need for flour to make it malliable and workable.

SWIM found it in simple black pepper. Piperidine contained in black pepper is a chemical on the DEA watchlist. It's there for a reason. First, it is a precursor to drugs such as pcp, however it's also used at the pharmaceutical level to potentiate many other types of drugs including the opiate class.

SWIM first came across the concept as a potentiater of curcumin, which is why it's added to many tumeric extracts.

Having purchased a significant amount of Peruvian torch powder that was fairly low quality on top of it having sat around for well over 5 years, SWIM decided to do a 91% isopropyl extraction just for shits and giggles. SWIM had done 69rons dlimo tek on this same batch in the past as well as several other forms of ingestion and knew it to be a dissapointingly weak batch, however SWIM had over 900 grams of the stuff so, ya know.

Anyhow, upon completing the first pull extraction on, I'd say, about 300 grams. After letting it sit in the isopropyl alcohol for only about 5 hours mixing occasionally, SWIM was left with about 14 grams of tar. SWIM had let the extraction evap in a big plastic tub (I would recommend glass or Pyrex though) with a heater fan blowing across it in a well ventilated room. Once all the iso was evapped SWIM had a pretty dry, not overly oily resin, which SWIM sprinkled with ordinary table black pepper. Scraped it up and molded quite easily into 12 00 gelcaps.

SWIM ingested 5 of said gelcaps and his buddy ingested 4(his first time with mescaline but an experience tripper on just about everything else). Now typically oral ingestion takes almost 2 1/2 3 hours for SWIM. This started feeling the "come up" within 30 minutes of ingestion. Swim and his buddy went to band night at a local kava bar (we live in a city full of old hippies this kava bar(Swims first time w/ kava) and the mantra bands couldn't have been a more perfect setting for ol' mescalito) and were full on tripping face within one hour of ingestion, with absolutely no nasuea for either of us on the way to tripping balls, which lasted almost twelve hours(with the trip going from a shroomy " lightly drunken" feel to a more LSD like visual and feel over time, all the while coming in waves, with a very smooth, euphoric ebb and flow.). It was an amazing night for both SWIM and his buddy.

I should mention swim weighs about 230 pounds and his buddy about 150lbs. SWIM has never been an alcohol or hard drug user and has a very healthy liver. I mention that because part of what Piperidine does is slows the liver filtering process down so more of the drug can pass through into the system. I know this works according to swim. Because this batch of peruvian had been "weak sauce" up until the application of pepper.

SWIM wanted me to write an iso tek that didn't end with crickets and tumbleweed, the OP never letting you know their weight-x-dosage or the outcome of their experience. So, hopefully, this can serve as a better guide for people on the fence about which teks, when and how. SWIM has done it everyway it can be done, and this works better by leaps and bounds than any other, I promise.

Have fun and stay safe kids.Though mescaline is a very forgiving and "easy to maintain composer" ethnobotanical even at high doses, If you're not sure of potency or dosage always err on the side of caution (you can always take more next time, so just make sure you get to "next time"). Love to all my fellow travelers.
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