Message To April : )


New Member
are you single, taken...married? You're gorgeous doll. do post more pics. everyone celebrate april/beautiful women in this thread. Oh yes we're at it again tonight ;) :clap: post pictures....i might get my ass on skype n go buck wild ina minute


New Member
Nina Hartley hotest women evar. She looks like she enjoys a few spliffs in this picture


Well-Known Member
This thread is all for April. We have threads full of our underwear already. Don't want to clutter the boards.

Have fun x


Pickle Queen
are you single, taken...married? You're gorgeous doll. do post more pics. everyone celebrate april/beautiful women in this thread. Oh yes we're at it again tonight ;) :clap: post pictures....i might get my ass on skype n go buck wild ina minute
awww sweety ur gonna make me blush, how about u post some pix first ;)


New Member
i don't have pics doll :( I do have my 1st high-altitude skydive video on youtube though! I was a bit shy in it heh...but mostly just a lil nervous. Hmm should i reveal my identity to strangers over the internet? I'll think bout it ;)

Wait, old are ya?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I remember that damn doll. My sister had one. It's still buried in the backyard in an undisclosed location. I hate dolls. They are tools of Satan.


Pickle Queen
i don't have pics doll :( I do have my 1st high-altitude skydive video on youtube though! I was a bit shy in it heh...but mostly just a lil nervous. Hmm should i reveal my identity to strangers over the internet? I'll think bout it ;)

Wait, old are ya?
awww take some if u have webcam ;) u mentioned u skype.
And no link 2 ur youtube video???
lol 29 ;)


New Member
hmm legal reasons babe...i don't want to incriminate myself online...i suppose i could upload ONE pic. I'm confident/conceited about this one (but a bit insecure about my little bum hanging out) <----EEEEEEK!kkkK!!!