Metal Halide 5,500K Lamp (175Watt)


Active Member
im about to start my grow. ive converted my entertainment unit into a sweet multi-chambered grow house. the larger space is w3'x4'x2' ive decided to make a board with 6 32w CFL's for vegging aprox 4 plants. i've been looking around and ive found a metal halide bulb that might do the job for flowering. not too sure, its . Coralife Metal Halide 5,500K Lamp (175Watt) . its used to promote coral and animal growth in expensive tanks. theres also a 6,500K on as well. i was wondering if anyone out there knew if these bulbs would be any good for flowering


Active Member
For myself, I use MH (metal haylide) for my veg, not my flowering stage. Of course, you can use it for flowering too, but it's not ideal. For the flowering stage you will either want an HPS light (high pressure sodium) or a combination of HPS and MH lamps.

The reason you will want different lights for different stages is that the plants react in different ways to different spectrums. Hence, MH lamps provide light in the blue spectrum, which vegging plants respond well to, and HPS lights provide more light in the red and orange spectrum, which flowering plants love.

There is an abundance of information on this website, a lot of it under GrowFAQ (at the top) and Newbie Central. Check it out.