Mg and Zn??


Well-Known Member
There was a site that mentioned that dead/white leaf tips were indicative of the girls needing more mag and zinc. What product/process do I use to get that? Pics included incase anyone wants to double check the diagnosis... Thanks RIU!



Well-Known Member
I think nute burn. What is your source of water? You can add epsom salt to give Mg. But, I don't think I see Mg def. Zinc is such a trace mineral that it should be sufficient in your water or soil. (I assume you're in soil).

I think usually Zinc problems would be due to ph inaccessibility, or some kind of lockout (too much Ca or P?).

I think it's nute burn. Which way are the tips curling? It looked down to me. Which makes me think of n-tox. But, some looked up.