MG soil ..first mistake? help please


New Member
Is there a simple kit I can buy to adjust my soil ph up or down.I live in a small country town with not many stores that have useful things for growing. And also if im 3 weeks in and im using miracle grow soil. How can I safely switch to somethin more clean n organic. I heard fox farm is good but id have to get it online. Please help me with transplanting into new soil and findin a kit to lower and raise soil ph. Or wat can I use to adjust it..thNks


Well-Known Member
If your seedling has survived and is now three weeks in...what's the problem with just leaving it alone? Or is the plant stressed and sick?
When you grow in soil the ph isn't really your top priority. Fox farm I have heard is good people have good results. Sunshine #4 and pro mix if your in Canada. If your in the states see if you can get rootz organic its supposed to be the best. I have a friend that uses Miricle grow soil with moisture lock and I thought he was crazy and ended up with some quality outdoor. Back to ph its hard to measure and soil acts as a ph buffer. Research folklore lime its used to help control ph in soil. It's a powder additive. Local hydroponics shops carry a wide arrange of soil products. Worm castings are an excellent additive for your soil also.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Small country towns have farms. Farms use garden supplies - cheap and plentiful. I bet there is some place. Make up your own mix. I get potting soil and peat moss from the hardware store. I get perlite, vermiculite, and dolomite lime from a "planters store" that sells everything from chicken feed to ..well perlite and vermiculite.

Dolomite lime will moderate it but I doubt PH is your prob with MG. The prob is the nutes that release with water. If not careful, if your water pools, it can release too much. I like my soil to be as nute free as possible so I am in control. With PH you want to adjust what you put in (water and nutes). You shouldn't need to adjust the soil itself.

How old are plants? Pics! What size pot are they in? We can't really help without info.