mg soil keeps killing my plants...

so mg soil keeps kiling my baby plants so im going to just get some soil from out side and let them grow in that till they get a lil bigger then pt mg nutrients liquid in the water when i water once they develop a lil bit anyone have any coments to help me with this and what i shoud do?


Well-Known Member
Don't you have any other available options other than mg soil?

I'm not sure if the mg soil is completely at fault man. I've used it before without it killing my plants. You just can't overwater them or feed them for awhile because mg soil generally has timed released fertilizer already in it. It could also be due to the conditions of your grow room. More details needed.


Well-Known Member
There are better alternatives to MG nutrients that are just as inexpensive. Keep reading, buddy.


Active Member
Miracle grow has time release nutes. Every time you water you are feeding your plants. Babies can't handle it. If you are going to use it you need to cut it with perlite. And refrain from watering so much. I use to use it when I started growing and I burned everything my first few tries. Then I started my plants off in a starter soil and would keep them in the starter soil for the first couple of weeks then transplanted. Even then I kept the soil pretty dry. There are people that have experience using it that do well. I personally wouldn't recommend it to a newbie for the simple fact that newbies tend to "over care" for their plants. I prefer fox farm. It takes alot of the guess work out. Plus it contains worm castings and bat guano which cannabis seems to love and most of all no time release nutes. If you must use "dirt" from your yard, make sure you sterilize it. As much as i dont miracle grow, if i had a choice between it and dirt from the yard, i would go with miracle grow. Good luck.
yeah thanks for the reply guys ill prob transplant them back to mg soil once they come back and yeah i think i just waterd them too much wich as you say releases the nuts so they prob got nut burned yeah im still learning but once i get it lol bulieve me ill have some sexy ass females growing thats my goal .. lol wich ofcours its everyone but ehh guess ill learn from my mistakes and also if i keep them the reg soil how often should and can i add the liquid mg nuts to the water? and i problyshouldnt till they develop a lil bit im guessing


Well-Known Member
I use pro-mix or sunshine mix which are peat based and contain no added nutrients and I still wait at least 3 weeks before I even think about adding anything extra. Even then, I start at 1/4-1/2 strength. I use the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro line of nutes and had pretty good results. I never used fox farms soil or nutes, but everyone seems to love them on here. The fox farm soil is pretty expensive, so I figure I'd use something cheaper like promix and add nutes when I need them. Look around, I'm sure you can find pro-mix or sunshine mix locally, althought it might be a little harder to find now since it's october, haha. There is a small local chain of hardware stores in my area where I can get 3.8 cu ft bales of promix for around $35. It's compacted and when broken down it comes out to about 7 cu ft. Actually now that I think about it, any Ace Hardware can get it for you. I think Ace is a national chain. I couldn't find it online but the item number is 7136385 for the 3.8 cu ft bales. They have smaller 1 cu ft bags for around $5 and the item number is 7008634