MH lighting question


Active Member
I've been having trouble getting questions answer so here I go again. I have a 4X2x6 grow tent. Total 8 square ft grow area. I'm running 600 watt lamp at 25% with supplement full spectrum LED from California works. Should I increase the percentage or leave it as is. Your input would be GREATLY APPRECIATED ;)


Well-Known Member
How old/large are the plants.

Start off dimmed, but in flower you will have it cranked. Some ballasts have "boost" options that I like to engage during flower :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
How big are the plants - 4 x 2 x 6 is not a huge space a 600 plus an LED is going to give that a ton of light and heat! Whats the problem? Can you of course you can but should you, that's up to you. I use 1 600 watt in a 4x4x7 tent. We need more details on what you are trying to accomplish with strain would be helpful, seed - seedling - teen - mom. The devils in the details so are your answers, we can help but..........