MichICAN Nightly Online Radio Podcast on the Blog Talk Radio Network


Well-Known Member
Ok Ladies and Gentlemen. The next step in exploring this conversation is going to be starting shortly. I am happy to announce we will be starting a 2 hour nightly BlogTalkRadio podcast here:
MichICAN 2 Hour Nightly Radio Show on BTR
Show will be live M-F from 9pm - 11pm for the time being (may move from 9pm-11pm soon) and will also do some weekends, if not most.

Considering we are just starting out, expect a haphazard first few episodes. I am trying to set up a few things now, and should be ready to hold the 1st episode tonight from 10pm to 12pm at the provided link.
Call in listeners are limited to 50, so please try to use the link if you only plan to listen in, that way the 50 call lines can be reserved for those that would like to have some voice time.
Show is set to PG-13, so please mind your P's and Q's.
This will be a professional format, and I ask everyone behave in kind.
This is a BIG Discussion we as a State need to have, and we need to have it now. Considering no other semi vocal groups are speaking toward the real redress to the Cannabis Prohibition Issue in Michigan, I guess we will have to start that up to.

Listen in, Share the Podcast. lets get folks listening and participating.

If you would like to donate to the Radio Podcast Only, please pm me and I can get you the information to donate to the Blog Talk Radio Podcast Only to help grow the discussion.
This is no way can be, or should be considered a Donation to the Actual Ballot Campaign itself, that is entirely different. This will be Strictly to support the Podcast on Blog Talk Radio and used Strictly in the context of improving the show and discussion platform only.

This should be a highly informative 2 hr Podcast on the state of events as they are happening in Michigan. I hope this evolves into a Podcast that many Michiganders and even non Michiganders take note of.

We of course will be speaking to the benefit of Repealing Prohibition, and ALL of the ins and outs that no one else is discussing.

My Hope is to make this a Public Friendly Show, so please, we need to keep ourselves mindful that this issue goes well past our own community, and that is where this discussion really needs to be happening.

I hope you can join myself in this next step, and grow this Podcast and Discussion throughout the entire State.

Timothy L.