Michigan police blood test can’t tell THC from CBD

In the UK, there is laws that prevent you from driving under the influence of THC. And I've always wondered what would happen if you took high amounts of CBD oil with trace amounts of THC in the oil and drove a car, would it still show up that you are under the influence of THC? And would CBD oil be a get out clause in court due to the fact it's not illegal to ingest it, but contains trace amounts of THC? :bigjoint:
I got a DUI for THC and lost my license for awhile and forked over thousands and had to retake a drug screen like three times. But I still drive high to work, work high, do everything high. They can suck my ass. Can't wait to live in the city so I don't need a car and I can just like walk or bike to work stoned as fuck and they can't do shit.
I got a DUI for THC and lost my license for awhile and forked over thousands and had to retake a drug screen like three times. But I still drive high to work, work high, do everything high. They can suck my ass. Can't wait to live in the city so I don't need a car and I can just like walk or bike to work stoned as fuck and they can't do shit.

does your state have an established blood-thc level that means you are legally intoxicated similar to blood alcohol content? Most states do not, which means just because you have traces of thc in your urine/blood doesn’t mean you are actually intoxicated…the court needs to prove you were actually impaired i.e. evidence of bad driving or you got in an accident.

I got arrested a while back for having an unlit joint(I have a medical card) in my car going through a dui checkpoint and they charged me with DUI even though I was sober and legally allowed to possess cannabis. The cop lied that I did all the sobriety tests wrong and I had to spend a couple thousand on a lawyer, but my case eventually got dropped because the officer was a pussy and too scared to show up to court.

I learned a lot about DUI laws from that though, like you are not legally required to perform any field sobriety test besides the breathalyzer and you are much better off politely declining any test besides the breathalyzer. If your state does not have an established blood thc limit, it is very difficult for them to prove you are driving impaired.