Mickey Kush & Dr Who At SowAmazing Seeds


Active Member
SowAmazingSeeds has Mickey Kush and Dr Who now in stock they're a little more expensive but they have any 3 packs of TGA and you get 30% off but they only sell 5 packs
lol same here I got run to town to get one of those pre paid credit cards cause I refuse to use my own to order off the internet. I talked to the yesterday and they said if I order today (friday) they send it out first thing next week so by this time next week I should be popping some Mickey kush and maybe Dr who I haven't decided yet
yeah and they do have the TGA deal right now too. I just haven't decided what to order cause I really want the jesus og too and cause they only sell 5 packs and since I'm in canada I have to pay 13% tax witch sucks so I'm either going to get a 2 packs of Mickey and 1 of the other 2 or I might just do 2 packs of Mickey and 2 of Jesus and get dr who another time so much to think about lol