Microwave Ovens Should Warn of Exploding Eggs


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Microwave ovens should display prominent warnings about the dangers of exploding eggs, says a team of opthalmologists in the UK.
The opthalmologists made the appeal in a letter to the British Medical Journal. The letter described the case of a nine-year-old girl who reheated a boiled egg in a microwave for 40 seconds. About 30 seconds later, when she was carrying the egg, the egg exploded, hitting her in the right eye and face.
The shrapnel from the scalding egg tore open her cornea, the transparent coating that covers the iris and pupil, and caused the lens of her eye to cloud over so she could see only hand movements. Several months later, her vision was restored, but only after two operations in which her cornea was stitched and her damaged lens replaced with a plastic one.
Microwave manufacturers do warn people to pierce intact eggs several times before heating them. But the warnings appear in leaflets that many consumers toss aside without notice, says Saurabh Goyal, an opthalmologist at Queen Mary's Hospital in Kent, UK, and one of the letter's authors.
"If they put warnings on the microwaves themselves, people may be more aware of the dangers of microwaving food that has a closed shell," Goyal told New Scientist.
Burning issue

A 2001 review of the medical literature turned up 13 cases in which microwaved eggs exploded and caused injuries, mostly burns. Some of the cases occurred after the eggs' shells - and even their yolks - had been punctured, so Goyal suggests people be warned against microwaving any eggs.
In the UK, an estimated 2700 people sustained microwave-related injuries in 2002 - half from burns from hot liquids, says Roger Vincent, a spokesman for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, a charity based in Birmingham, UK. And microwave injuries are rising - the total in 1997 was 1800.
"We have heard of eggs exploding after being microwaved," Vincent told New Scientist. "And we want manufacturers to do all they can to point out any potential problems."

Ok WTF people!!!


Well-Known Member
Maybe people who reproduce kids that are too stupid to use common sense should have to put a warning on the kid's forhead that says they are likely to do something stupid that will cause a manufacturer a ton of money and to have to put stupid warning stickers on their products.