midwest outdoor with pics, comments?


Active Member
so here are some shitty pics i took with an ancient 4mp kodak. the date wasnt set, but the plant is unknown origin, from good bagseed, figures my nirvana order didnt come in time for outdoor..., anyway, i started this in an aero garden till about 10 inches, then moved outside and planted in the middle of all that shit. it was topped at about 3 feet, so it is a big Y. you cant see the branch on the right so well for all the camo-weeds. the top got too heavy, and we had a storm, and the right side of the Y laid over some, but is doing fine. the left one is leaning, but is about 12 feet off the ground. but, the plant really doesnt have anything on the bottom 3 feet. i guess cuz of the weeds. that is in a field behind my house, i had accidentally cut into a field bed on my septic tank with a plow, and it stays wet year round now, i have never gave her nutes, just plenty of poop water. :) i know the pics suck, but any idea if sativa or indica? i think she has about 6 weeks left iny comments?



Well-Known Member
You've got a sativa dominant plant judging by those fan leaves. Good luck with the remaining time before harvest.


Well-Known Member
From Lemons comes lemonade. From "Poop Water" comes big tasty buds! A few more Clear pictures more close up, and it'll be easier to tell how long you've got!


Active Member
so here are some new pics, still not great, but better. man i am about 3 weeks from the average first frost, and im scared it aint gonna make it, stupid sativa. :)
anyway, can i get a few updated guesses about how long left?
also, how good will the smoke be if i have to cut 9 or 10 weeks into a 12 week plant?

