Might have to take a drug test for new job


New Member
I've taken piss tests for jobs before, but this time it's for a job working with a the city. I have a question about it, when I've taken tests in the past, they gave me a cup and I walked into the bathroom, they shut of the water, I did my thing and handed them the cup, but the door to the bathroom was closed the whole time so I had privacy.

I was reading that with this city test, the medical examiner stands outside, do they mean like outside the stall? With the door open to make sure no tampering occurs? They just do not observe you actually pissing into the cup. Has anyone taken a pre-employment physical before? Working for a city in so cal? Am I being paranoid?

I'm not applying to be a cop or anything, it's just a desk job for the city doing mainly clerical stuff, nothing related to law or anything like that, I think they have stricter testing standards. Thank you for your input and help.

Here is what I read:

A minimum of 50 cc. of urine is necessary for the testing procedure. While
the candidate is expelling the urine, the medical representative stands
outside the door of the restroom to assure that there is no tampering with the
urine sample; however, there is no direct observation of the applicant
actually giving the urine sample.
I am almost positive they will be outside the room not the stall. I've taken MANY puss tests, for jobs, court, my mom when I was young, you name it. Usually they are either staring at you while you pee, or outside the room, no grey area.
That said, if your piss is dirty, to pass an unsupervised piss test:

Have a sober friend pee in a water tight bottle. Put this bottle up against your privates, wedged up good in there to get it to body temp. Go In for your urine test. Once in the room start peeing in the toilet while you open the container with the clean sample. Stop your pee flow. At the exact time you stop your stream from going into the toilet pour the clean sample in the test collection cup (if you constantly pee it won't sound like you put a sample in the cup). Then proceed to continue your pee stream and finish peeing in the toilet. Only fool proof way in a non observed test. Make sure the donor isn't a pregnant woman. It's the only way (as far as the tests they use) to obviously prove it's not your pee.