Mikes 400w hps scrog!! GH Bubba Kush and Easy Ryder!!


Well-Known Member
Hows everybody today? This will be my first journal that i will complete from start to finish. I'll be attempting my 5th grow using a 400w hps and a few 68w Cfls.

As of right now my easy ryders, bubba kush, and a bagseed from some "mango" *shrug* i really dont know about it because it was given to me by a cousin..he said it was some killer shit so ill give it a run.. the last seed i got from him turned hermie on me so if it doesnt do well im gonna start my kings kush which was a freebie frm the attitude..

now to the grow, right now the girls are under 2 27w & 2 26w Cfl's until the get a lil bigger..i didnt wanna burn em up like i have before lol..
They are in the same little tent thing from my last grow, how ever this time i only mylar'd the front and back..dont ask why, i was high as fuck when i set this grow up...my last harvest was moby dick and kushberry :fire:

I have them running 24 hours right now..heat isnt an issue yet but when i hook my hps up it will most def become a problem.. I cant hook up any exhaust system because i live in an apartment..well my girl does, if it was up to me i would cut a hole in the door but shes not having it lol.. I've never used an Hps before, all i know is cfls so this should be interesting.

When my plants get about 6inches, im gonna start training them in preparation for the SCrog.. the screen will be on the other side of the closet and the tent will only be used for veg.

Im currently using miracle grow potting soil and a shit load of perlite..yeah yeah yeah, i kno miracle grow isnt the best butttttt thats your opinion..until i try something else, this is what im sticking with. it hasnt let me down yet!!

my nutes for now will be fox farm grow big and tiger bloom. I want some advanced nutrients but my money is tight so thats gonna have to wait.

I got a nice deal on my supplies when i got my light,
400w convertible w/built in ballast
52 yards of mylar..dont quote me, im high
25 2 gallon grow bags
a hydrofarm measuring cup and shot glass
bulb for the light
all for 230.00...talk about a sweet deal!!! the light alone was 200 lol

back to the grow, right now im like at week one or something like that..all the seeds germed in 3-4 days..

the bubba is moving soooo slow and the bagseed is stretching a lil bit but i think i fixed that by covering it with more dirt...once again, dont judge me..im high..welp, heres some pix..not much but enjoy



Well-Known Member
Looks good dude, ill sub up, how much heat that light putting out? I just bought a remote ballast 400w hps and concerned about heat in my cupboard grow.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea
my folks got the same one i have..his tent stays about 75-80 but he has fans, an exhaust, and a fan on the light its self..he says the fan on the light helps a hell of alot.. especially in the summer


Well-Known Member
Kl. Turns out my lights should get here today. Ill keep checking back when I can. I will look at a fan then when all rigged up later.


Well-Known Member
i put in two more 27w bulbs today to bring my total to 160w for veg..more will be added later when they get bigger

im really dont kno if i wanna start my kings kush or get a kushberry clone from my friend...i can always get kushberry, for one i have another seed from my last order and i basically have a never ending supply of clones from my friend since i gave him his first clones frm my kushberry..

well heres some pics



Well-Known Member
so i woke up this morning and decided that im gonna put my light on one of those moving rail things. im gettin two kushberry clones either today or 2morrow. which will bring my total of plants to 6. well 5 because im not really counting on the bagseed to be a female. my screen will be about 4 1/2 feet long and about two feet wide along a wall in the closet. the light mover will mount on the shelf above the screen. i want to maximize my yield..im aiming for 2.5-3 ounces per plant...yeahhhh it sounds crazy but its been done using a scrog..i kno i can pull it off @ least two ounces per plant will do.


Well-Known Member
i still havent got my kushberry clones, they weren't as mature as i wanted the..im gonna let my friend hold on to them for a week longer or so..he cuts thee smallest clones smh..it blows cuz they have to have an even longer veg time..which fucks up wut i have planned for when i get my screen.. any way, im gonna upload some pix from the last couple of days..i gave the random about 3 tear drops worth of nutes the other day, i didnt notice any difference though...

pix frm 3-16 (day 10)



Well-Known Member
this fuckin grow is pissing me the hell off man..every fuckin time my girls folks come over here she gets all paranoid and unhooks all my shit..takes my fans down,lights everyyy thingg..puts my damn plants in a dark ass closet smfh..the shit pisses me off, im never here when she does it..she could @ least put them in another closet with some light in it...

pix comin in a little while..they look great


Well-Known Member
yeah these are greenhouse but they are about 17 days old now..24/0 with a mix of cfls..i havent given her any nutes yet, im gonna start next week with a small dose of fox farms grow nutes


New Member
I'm 5 days behind you on the Bubba, I'm just using 2 6500 cfls at 18/6 and a 400 hps for flower. Are you using cfl's striaght through?


Well-Known Member
Dam sounds like you got some problems beyond the typical thats why I have my own grow room w a locked door. My girl dont touch any of it unless I ask her to.


Well-Known Member
i just added one more 19w 6500k and two 68w 2700k cfls..bringin my total wattages to 315 or so..
im only using cfls for veg time..400w hps for flower,im thinking about putting a light rail in the closet to keep my canopy even with my screen


Well-Known Member
Dam sounds like you got some problems beyond the typical thats why I have my own grow room w a locked door. My girl dont touch any of it unless I ask her to.
yeah i kno..im gonna put a lock on the door soon..but shes gonna have to realize that she cant shut shit down wheneva they come over..i dont mind them being in the dark for maybe an hour or two now..but when they flower, that cant happen @ all..ill prolly run the lights @ night time when i kno nobody will be here to visit..


Well-Known Member
omg the bubba looks amazing!!! she is most def my favorite out of the bunch lol..the ak's are looking good too..as for the runt, its still alive..not doing much but still alive lol..pix either later today or 2morrow!! stay tuned!