Mimosa Pudica "touch-me-not/shameplant"


Well-Known Member
I've recently become fascinated with this plant and just ordered a pack of seeds on Amazon. I was even thinking about maybe trying to raise and sell them for fun and maybe a little extra dough. I've got a wonderful organic soil built up that I'm already using for my cannabis plants and a little extra space in the tent and windowsills. Anyone have any experience growing this?
I had one growin last summer from the seed. They don't like direct sun. Have your soil light and fluffy and not on the hot side so maybe your canna soil will turn out a bit hot. Mine got eaten by spidermites in the peak of summer when we were on vacation. Starting another one inside this year.
Sorry, weed on the mind. I saw Mimosa and didn't even think of other plants. Pretty plant!
I grew it at home for the same reason as you. Here's what I learned:

1) Expect about 4 months before you see action
2) Older leaves look like absolute ass making the plant look gnarly
3) It could conceivably grow to 4-6' or more, so plan out how far you want to take this.
4) The effect diminishes with age, and possibly how often you mess with.
I grew it at home for the same reason as you. Here's what I learned:

1) Expect about 4 months before you see action
2) Older leaves look like absolute ass making the plant look gnarly
3) It could conceivably grow to 4-6' or more, so plan out how far you want to take this.
4) The effect diminishes with age, and possibly how often you mess with.
and while you are enamored of it...is anyone else? i like local plants, and try to incorporate them into my landscape...some people get it, and some ask me why i'm not pulling those weeds out of the garden....check if there's a market for it before you start trying to grow it for profit...