Anyone have any experience growing these? I know its basically just toss a bunch of seeds out and snip em when thier 2-3 inch. Id like to start some hydro inside and i heard something about special mats to grow them on etc, anyone have any experience? I hear hydro allows you a less gritty root to eat
I was looking at SureToGrow, they have mats that you can use for mini greens, check them out, seems like an interesting medium to grow in.
I dont really know what constitutes as mini-greens, but I have grown alfalfa sprouts in a sprouting jar, its basically a mason jar with a screened lid all you do it throw some seeds in the jar let them soak a bit then drain them (thats what the screened lid is for). Then everyday rinse and drain the seeds in a couple days you will have nice fresh sprouts without the worry of dirt, or cutting them, just pull them straight out of the jar. When they have grown enough, give them a bit of light to induce chlorophyll production and you will have some nice greens. Search google for "sprouting jars" and you will find a good handful of information..