Minuteman Handwarmer

Does anyone know if the minuteman "handwarmer" still works to pass a pre-employment DT? I have had it for awhile. I know I used to work but not sure if it still does. It's supposedly powdered urine with a heating catalyst. Anyone used tho product recently??


New Member
careful with using a whizzinator, a lot of places here in northern alberta oil patch are onto it, not sure about where youre from. they will make you fill the cup up LOTS. and if its not enough, theyll make you wait an hour in their waiting room and re piss.... how though when the whizzinator is empty from the first failed attempt ? youre fucked. I seen one guy freak out so bad I thought the cops were going to get called. happened to me too, I told her to fuck off.. I could still hear her screaming as I I walked out and the door closed.

ive passed 13/14 with mine so far though ;)
I'm in Florida. The minuteman "Handwarmer" is a bottle with a temp strip on the side with two vials of what I was told was dehydrated urine and something to heat it up too. Just add one vial shake and dump in the cup. Just curios if labcorp is hip yet?


New Member
What technique did u use to pass 13 outta 14
whizzinator.. the ol piss bag strapped real low around my waist with a tube coming out.

get someone clean to come with me get them to drink the whole time, go behind the piss test place, get them to piss in a clean cup. gets kinda gross, but do you want that 100+k a year job or not? you suck the piss up with the special syringe that whizzinator provides, fill the bladder up nice and full, quickly, dont let that shit cool. they test the temp. and quickly go into the building and try not to nervously shake too much when signing in haha.

tell them you gotta go soon and dont need to wait (dont want that shit cooling down). go into the bathroom, drain it all into the cup nice and full... make sure the piss isnt that clear, watery diluted piss. you want some yellow in it. not glowing orange yellow though. middle ya know?

then you pray that they dont have any problems.. such as color (rare) amount (becoming more common) or the temp (huge failure.. how I failed).. its the temp stick thats the killer!!! its accurate and somehow mine cooled to just a hair below body temp (98f I think) they test from 90-100F is good.

other time they have a temp strip on the piss cup so theyre not dipping thermometers into diff piss all day long... I love those. you can put your hand ON the temp strip while youre in the bathroom to help heat it up other than relying on the quickly cooling piss to do it. last time I was even breathing on mine that hot breath to give it a few extra bonus degrees as I walked out the door... handed her the cup, she looked at temp strip, it was green in the proper range (of course.. I was just breathing on it) and gave it the good to go. you officially passed (providing the piss is clean which shouldnt be hard).

Ive used real piss every time.

one time the guy couldnt piss, but it was real yellow.. I mixed it with hot water, actually got the temp right and passed!!!!! crazy. quit the job 1.5 days in.

ive never used synthetic urine but my lazy ass buddy does (I think he does his tests at the hospital... insta pass every time. those piss test "sure hire" companies dont fuck around). hes also used his wifes piss which I wouldnt recommend, even though its illegal to gender test (ya know, cuz of those sick transgender fuckin freaks). hes doing pretty good.. hes passed like 7 or 8 with his whizzinator and I dont think hes failed one yet.

ive also only passed 1 legitmiately. failed once. and cheated + passed on 13 so far I think ;)


New Member
was that after he admonished all of us for being lowly pot heads that don't have any motivation and waste their lives away?
trust must hurt eh? youre still being a crybaby, that was like a week ago I posted that.. do something with your life already kinetic! I didnt mean offense with that post but I like how you felt it was aimed directly at you and you took so much offense to it, whereas others didnt because they understood and agreed, and you felt like I was talking shit about your life. pretty sad how you dont see that the words I said were right - although a little bit harsh for the sensitive ones out there - you just dont want to admit it. one day you will realize it. I promise you that.


Active Member
Its been AGES since i had to pass a DT.
I always just stopped for a week, drank a shitton of water and creatinine, and passed.
Score 1 for fast metabolism and >12% body fat.


Well-Known Member
Real nice... Srh88 Ur pretty cool... Not really tho... Anyone heard of or used this product? Any info would be great
and youre a dumbass who doesnt know how to pass a test.. if you cant cheat it right, why fuck up your future?


New Member
I stopped too for a week, then drank one of those green apple cleanse drinks that made me literally want to fucking die. id rather drink iso. my piss was the brightest neon glowing yellow ive EVER seen, the whole toiled bowl was like glowing.. I tested a small bit in a cup and it failed. good thing I didnt rely on it and had the whizzinator with me.

if youre buying a drink and going that route (I wouldnt... drinks are 75$ here and 1 use. my whizzinator was 100$ and ive used it 12+ times), go on ebay and buy 10 self testing dip things for 10$ and test yourself before you leave for the piss test place. well worth the peace of mind. also, those self test things are like 20$ each at the bong store, 1$ on ebay.