Miracle Gro potting soil


Active Member
OMG......I have been reading so many threads about miracle gro potting soil and I am ready to go nuts! LOL. The answer is never the same.........So what is the final word on Miracle Gro potting soil? Is it OK to use to grow my plants? Or is it 100% bad. I have heard it is bad, but also heard it is fine and you just have to wait to feed any nutes until flowering. Please what does everyone think? Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
It depends on what type of MG you use and how well you use it. Some Miracle Grow has time released nutes that can burn and damage seedlings. Miracle Grow Organic has been prone to gnats and fungus. Other people on the site use and swear by MG (I think maybe FDD comes to mind as an MG grower). You probably won't find a 100% answer about MG because so many people have differing views on it.


Well-Known Member
id say, just get reg compost and and perlite, at first, but i used to use john immes no2 and 3 mixed together, it had small pebbles and sand for better drainage.
but now i just make my own.
i mix a had full of sand and small pebbles,in me normal compost and perlite. i also use pebbles in the bottom, for flushing. later on when im flowering.
just use reg compost and make it better your self,


Active Member
Well I have MG potting soil, and it says it feeds plants for up to 3 months with continous release. Is that bad to use? Or is ok, as long as I do not feed it anything else but water until I flower? Thanks for the help! :)


Well-Known Member
Then you have Miracle Grow with time release fertilizers. In my personal experience and from other users experiences on this site, it'd probably a good bet to stay away from that soil.


Well-Known Member
Then you have Miracle Grow with time release fertilizers. In my personal experience and from other users experiences on this site, it'd probably a good bet to stay away from that soil.
yes thats what id say.
there only weeds, they dont need fancey soil. just make your own from normal compost.


Active Member
Done and Done! LOL. Thank you! I won't even open it then, and will take it back and get something different. What about schultz potting soil? Is anything going to be ok as long as it doesn't have time release? Thanks again for the help! :)


Well-Known Member
Schultz is generally viewed in the states as a good soil for herb growing. Personally I feel that mixing your own saves money and is just as good if not better than any store bought soils.


Active Member
OK, maybe that is what I will do. Now could you please tell me exactly what I should get at the local store, to mix my own soil. Also if I mix my own, when do I start using anything else besides water? Right now I have my seedlings coming through the dirt in peat moss pellets and all they have had so far is water, no fertilizer of any kind. Thanks again! :)


New Member
I have always used MG with great success but I am on well water which neutralizes the pH balance. If you are on city water then it is a different thing and you will need to test your pH.
I don't add any other nutes until they are about a month or so old and then I gradually add my organic nutes gradually so not to cause any burn. The DNF nutes I use are very user friendly.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Here are some pics of inddor and outdoor grown with MG.

It depends on what type of MG you use and how well you use it. Some Miracle Grow has time released nutes that can burn and damage seedlings. Miracle Grow Organic has been prone to gnats and fungus. Other people on the site use and swear by MG (I think maybe FDD comes to mind as an MG grower). You probably won't find a 100% answer about MG because so many people have differing views on it.



New Member
Sorry buddy BUT I couldn't disagree with you more on this subject. I think that is where most newbie growers and even some experienced growers go worng is by trying to mix up their own potting soil mix. Sure weed can grow in almost any medium but these soil companies have been around for a while and know more about this subject than your average grower. I have seen so many people try and mix their own perfect soil for these plants and have more problems than anything. Then when they start having difficulties try and reverse it by adding more nutes or whatever. Its sad when they could have saved themselves a LOT of headaches by just keeping it simple.

Sure there is probably a better mix than MG BUT these mixes are usually made up by people who really know their stuff and really is not meant to be for your average grower and for the newbie, a possible nightmare.

Schultz is generally viewed in the states as a good soil for herb growing. Personally I feel that mixing your own saves money and is just as good if not better than any store bought soils.


New Member
Go for it. You won't be disappointed.
Well I have MG potting soil, and it says it feeds plants for up to 3 months with continous release. Is that bad to use? Or is ok, as long as I do not feed it anything else but water until I flower? Thanks for the help! :)


Active Member
i know this sounds like a pain in the ass but i used mg but i first went through and picked out all the little yellow balls of nutes. Then i mixed with a organic soil and a few cups of fine beach sand. My babies loved it and no nute burn. So if you have some time it seemed to work for me.



Active Member
Go for it. You won't be disappointed.
Thanks so much for the help. I see you have great points, as do others, which makes my choice so much harder. LOL. I am on city water, you said earlier you are on well water, is that going to make a difference for me? I have used the MG potting soil before with the time release feed, and the plants made it to harvest fine, I was not happy with the crop but I figured that was because I got the seeds from crapy bags I got. I did pay a lot of money for my seeds this time, and want to make sure they are very happy! Does the schultz potting soil have the time release also? Because lots of people say to use that. I hope to make this decision today and go get new soil or stick with the MG potting soil.


New Member
I'd just keep it simple. you have the potting soil (MG already). If you have pots then fill them up and plant your seeds. If during this grow you decide not to use MG next time, then try something else. I just don't add any extra nutes at first.

You'll be fine. Trust me.
Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.


BTW....both fdd and I use miracle grow (but are both on well water) and have great crops.:mrgreen:
I have never checked my pH balance in my entire life. (but thats just me:roll:)
Others have done fine with city water. Leave the water to sit for at least 24 hours before using.

Good luck either way and happy planting.:peace:
Thanks so much for the help. I see you have great points, as do others, which makes my choice so much harder. LOL. I am on city water, you said earlier you are on well water, is that going to make a difference for me? I have used the MG potting soil before with the time release feed, and the plants made it to harvest fine, I was not happy with the crop but I figured that was because I got the seeds from crapy bags I got. I did pay a lot of money for my seeds this time, and want to make sure they are very happy! Does the schultz potting soil have the time release also? Because lots of people say to use that. I hope to make this decision today and go get new soil or stick with the MG potting soil.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I am not a big supporter of MG....
BUT it has given me fantastic results.. especially when inducing FLOWERING EARLY in a plants life...

here are a few pictures from a MG grow..

it was fantastic...

I have noticed that people who veg for longer than 21 days with MG start to have more problems..




New Member
Nice pics gardenknown. It really is good stuff just as it is.
I have vegged with it for over 4 to 5 months BUT after that I tranplant to good neutralized preminium potting mix and add the desired nutes for floweriing.

Nice to see you GK:mrgreen::peace:

I am not a big supporter of MG....
BUT it has given me fantastic results.. especially when inducing FLOWERING EARLY in a plants life...

here are a few pictures from a MG grow..

it was fantastic...

I have noticed that people who veg for longer than 21 days with MG start to have more problems..



Well-Known Member
And I'm sorry to you too Lacy but I strongly defend my position. With over 20+ large and small scale grows, using multiple types of store bought and self-mixed soils, I have settled on my own self-mixed soil and haven't had soil problems since. I only stated what I did about MG because of the horrific damage I've seen it do to many many newbie crops.

Sorry buddy BUT I couldn't disagree with you more on this subject. I think that is where most newbie growers and even some experienced growers go worng is by trying to mix up their own potting soil mix. Sure weed can grow in almost any medium but these soil companies have been around for a while and know more about this subject than your average grower. I have seen so many people try and mix their own perfect soil for these plants and have more problems than anything. Then when they start having difficulties try and reverse it by adding more nutes or whatever. Its sad when they could have saved themselves a LOT of headaches by just keeping it simple.



Sector 5 Moderator
I'm finishing up a grow using MG Organic Growers Choice, mixed 50/50 with Fox Farms Happy Frog, threw in a handful of dolomitic lime, bone meal, and blood meal then a small bag or two of perlite. It's true about the fungus gnats; you can count on them but just buy you a No Pest strip do dad and problem solved. I agree tho that the best route would be to just use local fertile soil and add the lime, blood and bone meal and perlite. The fancy stuff has bat poo and worm poo. Is a lil bit of poo worth $25 for about 20 lbs? I don't think so! On my next grow I'll just use straight MGOGC with the kickers.