Mirrors as Light Relfectors


Active Member
I have not heard anything about using mirrors to cover the walls of a grow room. I am assuming this is not a good idea for some reason. Can someone please give me some insight on this?

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Mirrors really aren't that effective at reflecting light. Bouncing the light through the mirror glass 2x sucks up a bunch of the usable light.


Active Member
yes it is very expensive and the weight of all the mirrors is redic. and you will get burn spots.. its not worth it.. use white paint... or mylar works great.


Well-Known Member
If you use a front reflective mirror you'll get approximately 99% light transmission.

Normal mirrors are about 90% light transmission at perfect right angles - But that drops to around 40% when you get oblique reflection, where the light has to pass through a longer section of glass.