Misread PPM meter (week 5 flower)


Active Member
I got a new ppm meter and apparently when it's over 1000 it says blinks "x10". my old one didnt do that and i accidently fed 2800 ppm instead of 280. i'm in week 5 flower and the plant was starting to show mag/n/p deficiencies because i only fed 2-3 other times, but i really screwed up this week. I think I fed 1300 monday, 2800 wednesday, and 1200 saturday (before this the plant had only RO/benes/molasses for 2 weeks). It was very hungry, but did I overfeed where it's going to cause problems? should i flush?
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Well-Known Member
What are you growing it in? 280 sounds low but how did you not notice that you were using 10X the amount of nutes you should have. Don't need a meter for that.

3 heavy feeds in one week is excessive too and if your plant needs watering that often then it's in too small a pot.

I'd flush at least one volume of the pot it's in to reduce the total amount of nutes in there and then check the runoff. Or you can just feed water only and see if the leaf tips start burning and flush quick if that starts happening.

Should be tapering off the feed by week 5 tho some feed heavy to the end.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Within a week usually. Tips often go brown just a tiny bit normally but if it's burning then the tips along the jagged edges of the leaves will start browning too and the edges often turn up with leaves going "taco" but heat stress does that too.

You might get away without flushing if the plant is eating the nutes and can use them but you might have some toxic salts buildup then the fan leaves start getting thick, discoloured and brittle as they yellow and die. By week 5 they usually aren't eating that much tho. During the stretch they pig out.


Active Member
Here are some pics. It's just the one plant that's yellowing. It stretched a lot. Went from 17" to 34" in 2wks. I didn't feed much at all throughout the grow (the other plants are doing great), but last week this started happening. Should I just let it happen? I fed a few times this week, but like you said I don't want to risk making matters worse.



Well-Known Member
A lot of strains start yellowing about now in flowering and nothing you do will stop it. It's a normal part of the plant's life and tossing too much stuff at it can make things way worse. The only growing going on is buds getting bigger and they don't need tons of food to do that. Just the right food. Lower N and less P than K. Too much N in later flower suppresses bud formation.

Some feed was a good idea but you went a little overboard. If they don't burn I wouldn't feed unless you see they are hungry. Big fan leaves near the bottom are now food for your plant and it will steal any mobile nutes it needs from them. Those mobile nutes are the NPK, Mg and Zinc. Everything else is immobile and has to be supplied by your soil. I'm pretty sure there's enough of everything in there now.

If those are supposed to be done in 8 or 9 weeks I'd let them coast now with just water. They're looking OK and you don't want to overload them and end up with nasty tasting buds.