Missouri jails a legal medical patient for possession.

He was technically jailed for illegal possession of pot.
Says it right in the article.
We passed a constitutional amendment so this shit would stop.
I was born and still live in Missouri. A large percentage of the cops and prosecutors are having a hard time with medical marijuana like I thought they would. This shows that. That’s great if the charges are dropped. However I would prefer they not harass their citizens.
He was placed on a $10,000 bond. Submitted drug test. Failed because he wouldn’t quit smoking pot. Re jailed.
The not having the card on you should be easily rectified with a call to the health dept. and doesn’t rise to a felony possession charge.
Arresting him is one thing. But a prosecutor seeking felony charges for something that is within our constitutional rights is absurd.
How is there any child endangerment.
Will you get the same charge for letting a child stand next to a prescription of any other medicine?

It’s called a police state.
so what? pot in its natural state can be ingested by the kilos harmlessly
I wasnt agreeing with anything.
Just pointing out that he made multiple bad decisions and it worked out poorly so far.
Chances are most of it will be dropped.

The fact that he was transporting the absolute limit of what he was allowed to possess in the vehicle probably didnt help him any
There are other articles that referenced a drug task force following him. That is there dilemma now. It is legal to carry. But you can’t buy it legally from a dispensary yet. You can grow. There really hasn’t been enough time to do that yet.
It is legal to posses no matter where you got it.
They just don’t like it and will continue to harass. We just need to legalize it.
There are other articles that referenced a drug task force following him. That is there dilemma now. It is legal to carry. But you can’t buy it legally from a dispensary yet. You can grow. There really hasn’t been enough time to do that yet.
It is legal to posses no matter where you got it.
They just don’t like it and will continue to harass. We just need to legalize it.
Agreed. Until that time it is smart to not be stupid
He was placed on a $10,000 bond. Submitted drug test. Failed because he wouldn’t quit smoking pot. Re jailed.
The not having the card on you should be easily rectified with a call to the health dept. and doesn’t rise to a felony possession charge.
Arresting him is one thing. But a prosecutor seeking felony charges for something that is within our constitutional rights is absurd.
How is there any child endangerment.
Will you get the same charge for letting a child stand next to a prescription of any other medicine?

It’s called a police state.
If you need to carry ID at all times then it is already is a Police State
I wasnt agreeing with anything.
Just pointing out that he made multiple bad decisions and it worked out poorly so far.
Chances are most of it will be dropped.

The fact that he was transporting the absolute limit of what he was allowed to possess in the vehicle probably didnt help him any
Heard he was over the limit had 8 ozs. Still bs
With the complete lack of dispensaries in Missouri, they probably have a nagging suspicion
Since when is that enough to jail someone?
Well, in the United States anyway?

Cali went through the same thing when we passed our medical laws. Local DA's and cops would prosecute under the old law (which wasn't repealed).
There was a few well known cases -- which the gov't lost because they couldn't get a jury to take them seriously.
THEN, after the patient won ... they sued for violating their civil rights ... and won big settlements.

It took a year or so for the cops to learn that they had to abide by the law, but after a few cities and counties paid a few million $ in suits, and the hundreds of thousands it costs to prosecute a felony (and lose) ... they figured it out.

PS: I got stopped for a bad lane change not long ago, and had a bottle of whiskey sitting between me and my grand daughter. No complaints from the cop about that. And that is a much more damaging and addicting drug than MJ. But, no worries, it is a much to good of a bottle to share with a kid. She wouldn't appreciate it.
He was placed on a $10,000 bond. Submitted drug test. Failed because he wouldn’t quit smoking pot. Re jailed.
The not having the card on you should be easily rectified with a call to the health dept. and doesn’t rise to a felony possession charge.
Arresting him is one thing. But a prosecutor seeking felony charges for something that is within our constitutional rights is absurd.
How is there any child endangerment.
Will you get the same charge for letting a child stand next to a prescription of any other medicine?

It’s called a police state.
Saying its dangerous to have cannabis flower around a kid because it could get them high is like saying its dangerous to have them around grapes cuz they could get drunk
He was placed on a $10,000 bond. Submitted drug test. Failed because he wouldn’t quit smoking pot. Re jailed.
The not having the card on you should be easily rectified with a call to the health dept. and doesn’t rise to a felony possession charge.
Arresting him is one thing. But a prosecutor seeking felony charges for something that is within our constitutional rights is absurd.
How is there any child endangerment.
Will you get the same charge for letting a child stand next to a prescription of any other medicine?

It’s called a police state.
or if your out at a picnic drinking beer and kids there ? same charge , hmmmm surely lots of law enforcement been there done that , hypocrites !
It took about 20 years here in NV to go from medical to legal rec weed. They have a 25 mile dispensary halo law but LE don't enforce it. Traffic deaths are down. Taxes paying for schools. Retail is still black market pricing but it's slowly coming down, but I wouldn't buy it. They even have a law here, after dems won the state, that prevents them from drug testing for weed before employment. Driving law still fucked though with 5 ng/ml blood limit. Nobody should be arrested for weed in this world.
Hope they get stuff fixed there. I heard of some harassment when we first legalized in Oklahoma but none since.
he was released a month or two ago, charges dropped. Im more worried bout all the pussy groups that didn't get awarded growing or dispensary licenses suing the state over the procedure, if MO is lucky, they'll be like IL, by the time they get the clubs open, it will be voted in rec, lmfao. Thank God for home growin.