I adopted a small clone and brought her to flower.I left for 10 days and over watered before I left. Sadly, she never finished budding and is barley hanging on. Luckily I grabbed a cutting early on and her baby is starting to establish.
instead of trashing her I cleaned the roots and repotted into fresh dirt. Seems that new life is coming to this girl so I flipped her back to veg in hopes of saving her for another crop.
what are your thoughts on this?
photos show before I left, then when I returned you can see it starting to sag and then finally it’s sad stages of death and possibly resurrection.
I adopted a small clone and brought her to flower.I left for 10 days and over watered before I left. Sadly, she never finished budding and is barley hanging on. Luckily I grabbed a cutting early on and her baby is starting to establish.
instead of trashing her I cleaned the roots and repotted into fresh dirt. Seems that new life is coming to this girl so I flipped her back to veg in hopes of saving her for another crop.
what are your thoughts on this?
photos show before I left, then when I returned you can see it starting to sag and then finally it’s sad stages of death and possibly resurrection.
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