Mix Green Paint for floor?


good afternoon,

I'm setting up a 10 by 10 grow room. This is my first one and I have been researching listening asking questions for quite some time now...I personally think my brain was oozing out of my head about 2 days ago.

I am curious if I can mix green with the white paint I am doing on the concrete floor. my other option is blue however because of the light spectrum I'm not sure. the only reason that I am mixing colors is because it seems like half the people and materials say that plain white could burn plants. and the other half of the 50,000 posts and papers I read said it won't..and since I'm running in Indica strain Im leaning towards the side that says it'll burn.

So I'm looking for some expert advice from someone who's actually done it or personally knows someone who has..

Also being a bit tight on budget, I have heard that vinegar mixed in the paint helps resist mold..anyone try it?

details are 10 by 10. only running two lights now.. will be up to 4 lights they are HID 1000w..
all walls and ceiling will be done in just White..

Thank you!


I was just really thinking a couple ounces in a gallon..diabolical..lol..it would just help cut down on the reflectivity???? no am I way off


there is just a ton of information in a ton of everyone's opinions so when I can't come to an educated decision?? Find someone who can!


Well-Known Member
I was just really thinking a couple ounces in a gallon..diabolical..lol..it would just help cut down on the reflectivity???? no am I way off
You WANT the reflectivity, so don't add pigment. Paint the floor with the same worse as the walls, but have the guy put some stuff in there to make it stand up to foot traffic, or direct you to another product. You'll want something that wears tough, washes easily and reflects as much as possible.


You WANT the reflectivity, so don't add pigment. Paint the floor with the same worse as the walls, but have the guy put some stuff in there to make it stand up to foot traffic, or direct you to another product. You'll want something that wears tough, washes easily and reflects as much as possible.
is there any other option besides paint thats is resistant to mildew I considered using the panda paper and adhesive the 3mm spray over I want to minimize chemicals as much as possible with all the paint if that makes any sense..possibly something that's easy to clean like paint and doesn't create the build-up..my man is throwing a hissy fit over painting of the floor and convincing him it's good for the product is not working...mylar is out o budget for now


Well-Known Member
you can get emergency blankets for like a buck a piece or you can use the panda paper. Hang it and dont spray it with anything. Keep a dehumidifier in your grow space if humidity is an issue. Do you have mold in your basement now?


No..and it's not on basement.and it would be on the floor not on the wall. all of the walls in the ceiling are getting painted white


and can you get some blankets at like the dollar store? will they handle being on the floor I don't know how tough they are


if I've been checking all the rooms and layouts and designs and color schemes after I said some say the white can burn the underside and others say it doesn't I guess maybe it's just experiencing ways of applying different methods.

I have some extra T5 I could probably run them along the base give it the extra light from Underside


Well-Known Member
Paint on floor is no biggy, keeping it waterproof is

and making it so bugs can't breed is

the fact that you are lost on whether plants burn or not is an indication of more study required from you pleese

copying other growers and their advice will be seen as weak by many experienced growers

good luck


so if somebody passes on knowledge that is considered...what? Weak?? You're going to have to clarify that statement for me 100% and then explain to me how you even get started or how this world even progressed if knowledge isn't passed down? because if that statement were actually true none of us will have any rooms because the one person who found its capabilities would never have told anybody and nobody would have asked for fear of looking weak. Science and religion? Are they week cuz I'm pretty sure they were passed down for Generations. Did you create this seed or the Clone you started from? I'm pretty sure that was created by somebody else. Yet, I do thank you for your wise expertise.

Now if anyone else has a moronic statement. yes I do seek help because I am not knowledgeable in that area 100%. Since you so clearly stated that weakness is reading, listening, understanding, developing hypotheses and theories, trying them and testing them and then coming to the realization that somebody else's opinion might be beneficial..can you elaborate on what you view as strength.

you know what as a matter of fact don't. I don't want to look weak in front of the other people's.

but always always it's a pleasure to meet people like you thank you and yes I will continue my studies and make sure next time I come it'll be to school you..


Paint on floor is no biggy, keeping it waterproof is

and making it so bugs can't breed is

the fact that you are lost on whether plants burn or not is an indication of more study required from you pleese

copying other growers and their advice will be seen as weak by many experienced growers

good luck
last thing smarty-pants I know they burn my question was about the reflectivity being minimized by the green being added to the white paint
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Well-Known Member
i never heard of paint reflecting to much and i hope i never hear it again...no smarty pants they will not burn.


Paint on floor is no biggy, keeping it waterproof is

and making it so bugs can't breed is

the fact that you are lost on whether plants burn or not is an indication of more study required from you pleese

copying other growers and their advice will be seen as weak by many experienced growers

good luck
Okay I lied I found a little bit more on you.first off you assumed I was a novice. You didn't even understand my question..or even the context of my question. and pretty sure this section is about grow rooms not for beginners.

So, someone who assumes and doesn't listen????? Hmmmmm.. Uh huh...ok. thank you so very much I had fun doing this if you would like to reply I will definitely enjoy you trying to match wits with me it'll never happen.

you have grown longer than me I bet ..I don't know. however you sir or lady whatever, would not be one I would ever want to associated with or have pass knowledge down to me. You just pass unfounded statements that questioning stuff is ignorance. when in all truth you didn't even understand the question. You poor boy or girl. Who hurt you so bad?


Well-Known Member
so if somebody passes on knowledge that is considered...what? Weak?? You're going to have to clarify that statement for me 100% and then explain to me how you even get started or how this world even progressed if knowledge isn't passed down? because if that statement were actually true none of us will have any rooms because the one person who found its capabilities would never have told anybody and nobody would have asked for fear of looking weak. Science and religion? Are they week cuz I'm pretty sure they were passed down for Generations. Did you create this seed or the Clone you started from? I'm pretty sure that was created by somebody else. Yet, I do thank you for your wise expertise.

Now if anyone else has a moronic statement. yes I do seek help because I am not knowledgeable in that area 100%. Since you so clearly stated that weakness is reading, listening, understanding, developing hypotheses and theories, trying them and testing them and then coming to the realization that somebody else's opinion might be beneficial..can you elaborate on what you view as strength.

you know what as a matter of fact don't. I don't want to look weak in front of the other people's.

but always always it's a pleasure to meet people like you thank you and yes I will continue my studies and make sure next time I come it'll be to school you..
I like you already! +1 rep