Mix Mother Earth with soil or do straight Mother Earth?


Well-Known Member
Have two plants need transplanting in a 4x4 with 320W LEDs (weak for size room I know). Keeping it small with 4 plants. Experience with dirt only in the past, but def a newbie. Should I mix this bag of Mother Earth I have with soil (50/50 like directions say) or should I do straight cocoa and perilite. Not much experience and using FF Trio nutes. Guessing mixing with soil will be easier and more familiar for me? Any thoughts? Am I overthinking this? Is the straight cocoa and perlite super easy? Thanks for you thoughts in advance.


Well-Known Member
Nothing is super easy lol

I would use soil and follow the directions and on the Mother Earth.

Then do some reading on this site
No doubt. I’ve been reading a lot, and the bag directions give it both ways. Just wondering if anyone Prefers one over the other. Cheers.

Grow Monster

Well-Known Member
I mix mine 50/50 soil n coco. Best of both worlds imo. Treat it just like soil and u will be strait. Ph 6.5. Ff trio is the worse line of nutes I ever used. U gotta play guess work and figure out dose to give. Start with low feeds then raise it to plants liking. U find out by nute burn tips. I use organic nutes now and only feed once every 3 weeks. Strait coco is more work involved. More feeding/watering. Strait soil takes longer to recover from any issue. I didn't like waiting 5 days before I could water. With the mix I water every 1 or 2 days sometimes. Works great for me. Alot of guys on here don't believe the hype of mixing mediums but to each their own. If u can grow u can grow.


Well-Known Member
I mix mine 50/50 soil n coco. Best of both worlds imo. Treat it just like soil and u will be strait. Ph 6.5. Ff trio is the worse line of nutes I ever used. U gotta play guess work and figure out dose to give. Start with low feeds then raise it to plants liking. U find out by nute burn tips. I use organic nutes now and only feed once every 3 weeks. Strait coco is more work involved. More feeding/watering. Strait soil takes longer to recover from any issue. I didn't like waiting 5 days before I could water. With the mix I water every 1 or 2 days sometimes. Works great for me. Alot of guys on here don't believe the hype of mixing mediums but to each their own. If u can grow u can grow.
Mister Canuck is that you!?