Mixing international oddities or other look alike marijuana buds, for greater volume.


New Member
Would it be a good idea, to mix real bud/Marijuana with legal buds such as those from international oddities that look like real marijuana to increase Volume or the amount of marijuana you smoke recreationaly. Would the THC tri-comes spread through all the buds there fore all of it get you high? My first thread....please be nice. lol :-P:hug:

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Would it be a good idea, to mix real bud/Marijuana with legal buds such as those from international oddities that look like real marijuana to increase Volume or the amount of marijuana you smoke recreationaly. Would the THC tri-comes spread through all the buds there fore all of it get you high? My first thread....please be nice. lol :-P:hug:
Who knows what "legal buds from international oddities" may in fact be....use tobacco if you really want to increase the volume, but personally I would tend say that size doesn't matter as much as quality


Well-Known Member
Selling anyone buying marijuana anything but 100% marijuana is wrong. Cutting it with that synthetic crap, what I think you mean by legal bud, is insanely wrong.
Selling anyone buying marijuana anything but 100% marijuana is wrong. Cutting it with that synthetic crap, what I think you mean by legal bud, is insanely wrong.
Thank god he means just for his own use. Only a real piece of shit would try to sell that bullshit as real smoke!

OP, simple answer no. Just smoke plain cannabis. Its safe and proven. Unlike this potpourri/spice/legal bud bullshit. Stuff needs to be outlawed immediately it serves no purpose and is dangerous, mostly to kids who dont know any better


New Member
Would it be a good idea, to mix real bud/Marijuana with legal buds such as those from international oddities that look like real marijuana to increase Volume or the amount of marijuana you smoke recreationaly. Would the THC tri-comes spread through all the buds there fore all of it get you high? My first thread....please be nice. lol :-P:hug:
If you know somebody that grows you could get some shake, I would be happy to have somebody put my fan leaves to good use.

Keep on keepin on


Well-Known Member
not sure what you mean by legal bud , but we have a lot of legal high shops that sell grams of "incense" .. if this is the stuff your reffering to then dont do it!!

legal highs are dirty , unsafe, and are far to head and body fucking to even resemble the high you'd get from a nice joint :P

steer clear of legals before they fuck you up :)


Well-Known Member
"International Oddities" is "the innovator of the Legal Bud Industry!". They sell synthetic cannabis through a website. (had to Google that) Someone local here died from heart failure smoking synthetic cannabis recently, don't fuck with it.


Well-Known Member
Legal shit makes people fucking nuts and crazy. If someone tried to sell me that shit I would go crazy on that person. I would find sticks pipes anything beat the hell out of hin a and scream bath salts and legal weed. Just playing yeah do what you want to your self but dont harm other peolple for capital gain.


Well-Known Member
"International Oddities" is "the innovator of the Legal Bud Industry!". They sell synthetic cannabis through a website. (had to Google that) Someone local here died from heart failure smoking synthetic cannabis recently, don't fuck with it.
ive tried them before as the whole legal scene took offquite big here , half a joint and was sat there questioning weva or not i needed an ambulance lmao
had a lot of drugs in my time and never got my self worried but that legal shit has a serious affect on your body as its nothing but chemicals
heart felt like was going to explode!! like somebody had soaked it in poppers and let it dry lol

really isnt good stuff and is the biggest reason youve got kids roaming the estate looking like smack heads , shoplifting to earn £14 for another 3.5 g of the shit!

only good thing i can see coming from them is probably a closer look into the legalisation of cannabis , hopefully anyway lol

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
Would it be a good idea, to mix real bud/Marijuana with legal buds such as those from international oddities that look like real marijuana to increase Volume or the amount of marijuana you smoke recreationaly. Would the THC tri-comes spread through all the buds there fore all of it get you high? My first thread....please be nice. lol :-P:hug:

Bad idea, don't do it
Dr. Jekyll

Great idea if you want to become a space cadet, like who really needs all them brain cells anyhow?
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
That legal shit is real dangerous. It hasent been proven and most of all on the side it says NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION . Also look up the story about The Town That Caught Tourettes. It may be a stretch but they said that they all smoked that legal spice shit. They still don't know what caused it but that's one of the things all 12 of them had in common. Its a big enough coincidence for me not to smoke that shit. Also if anyone ever sold me some of that in a bag of bud to add weight and I found out, I would smash their head in twice. Good Luck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4-v5FriLrk


Active Member
been some health issues arising from synthetic bud. I would steer clear, personally I like to keep it natural. Rather mix another plant (tobacco) before
ever using anything synthetic or synthetically enhanced.


Well-Known Member
How would you feel about paying for a bag of buds that was really a mix of abunch of bullshit?
You don't even need to ask this question, you know it is wrong.
This is why I don't deal with idiots on the street. They will do anything to get that little bit more out of you.


Well-Known Member
Real bud is cheaper. Since I started growing my own , it is only costing me approx. $6.66 a oz to grow my FLO. Sometimes less than that.