"International Oddities" is "the innovator of the Legal Bud Industry!". They sell synthetic cannabis through a website. (had to Google that) Someone local here died from heart failure smoking synthetic cannabis recently, don't fuck with it.
ive tried them before as the whole legal scene took offquite big here , half a joint and was sat there questioning weva or not i needed an ambulance lmao
had a lot of drugs in my time and never got my self worried but that legal shit has a serious affect on your body as its nothing but chemicals
heart felt like was going to explode!! like somebody had soaked it in poppers and let it dry lol
really isnt good stuff and is the biggest reason youve got kids roaming the estate looking like smack heads , shoplifting to earn £14 for another 3.5 g of the shit!
only good thing i can see coming from them is probably a closer look into the legalisation of cannabis , hopefully anyway lol