MJ has made me healthy


Active Member
OK so I started smoking marijuana quite regularly about 2 years ago. By regularly I mean maybe 5 grams a day by myself. The last sort of medical problems ive had was a lung infection about 2 and a half years ago. Since then I haven't really had anything but maybe a minor cough from smoking pot. No colds, no flu's, not even a bad case of sneezing.Not only that but i eat mostly sugary junk food or meat for food, no milk and no vegetables or fruit. Why do I not get sick? I used to have fairly regular colds and flu's, so why has it stopped? Is it really possible that weed somehow boosts your immune system in some way? Oh and I do smoke tobacco in my joints, but not much. Maybe because I have passed joints with so many people? Maybe marijuana has some very true medicinal properties? I dont know why...all i know is while I watch the other people around me get sick...I wonder why I don't get sick at all.


Well-Known Member
5g a day. damn dude i can see why you feel so medicated. who knows they are constantly discovering new uses and benefits of the herb so its possible it has some positive effects we don't know even know about


Well-Known Member
yeah I love how MJ relaxes people, helps concentration, promotes brain cell growth, possibly benefits to the immune system, who knows! and yet its illegal. While alcohol kills your liver and makes you retarded if you drink too much and its bad for your body and you can get addicted to it and its legal.... oh one day....

but yeah, now that i think of it.. I dont think I've really ever been sick since I've started smoking. Although sadly I haven't been able to smoke as much each day as you have. haha


Active Member
haha although I don't smoke that much a day, but if my throat is starting to get soar or if I feel like I'm getting sick I'll smoke and go to bed and the next day its usually fine, I don't take cold fx or anything. I never usually get sick anyways when usually my family is usually the ones getting all those viruses and shit