MMJ Question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, got a quick question. I am planning on a career in the medical. i was wondering if i did end up acquiring an MMJ card, would this show up on a backround check and possibly be a hindrance from me getting a job? I'd like to find out before i apply for a card. (I live in California if that helps)

Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Real difficult to say. I would say no, as long as your regular doctor and the doctor who wrote your recommend are not one and the same, that way the recommend isn't in your regular medical records. That said, I don't think it's legal for them to access your medical records in any way; those are supposed to be private and confidential.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, got a quick question. I am planning on a career in the medical. i was wondering if i did end up acquiring an MMJ card, would this show up on a backround check and possibly be a hindrance from me getting a job? I'd like to find out before i apply for a card. (I live in California if that helps)

Thanks for the help.
That would depend how etensive the background check would be there are levels. And just because you are a user with legitimate reasons that can not hinder you from getting employed not unless the employee guidelines clearly states that no use of drugs are not allwoed while working for this company and if their pre employment requires drug testing. I know it sounds rediculous because if I took pain meds for my pain rather than smoking medicinal marijuana I function exponentially better. However, since federal mandate classifies marijuana as a class 1 narcotic then it is not condoned to be on medicinal marijuana if the company you work for has a no drug policy. I hope that changes soon because it is a problem that needs to be fixed.


well the first thing that pops into my head is your going to be a doctor, potentially with peoples lives in your hands

people would make an argument 'BUT HES HIGH'

on the other hand

is it legal to fire the construction worker on vicodin cause he has back pain?

i dont think its legal for them to fire you for something you have a legal right to do


Well-Known Member
I am not too familiar as to how extensive backround checks are for the medical field here in CA, but that would be a good thing to find out if anyone has any facts. Hopefully not that extensive as to check medical records. This would be the only way they'd be able to find out unless i opened my mouth (of course i won't)...


Active Member
I dont think it would be as extensive as to check medical records. Your medical records are strictly confidential, wouldn't it be illegal if they checked?