Molasses a must have?

Well, I'm about three weeks into flowering and seeing adequate resin production with added bloom nutrients...but I want to know if molasses during flowering is a must have. My plants are in the ground and I'm not sure if going out and getting molasses to mix in every other watering will really make a noticeable difference in size/potency/resin etc in the end?


Well-Known Member
it works great indoors, i don't see much benefit from using it outdoors. won't hurt anything, but the soil should have almost everything you need. molasses feeds the microbs and helps break down food for the plant to absorb. indoors contained in a pot that's cool outdoors, i think you would just be wasting it.


Active Member
I don't use it so no it's not a must have. I know a lot of people use it during flushing so the plant can have some source of nutrients, but I don't think using it all the through flowering is necessary.
it works great indoors, i don't see much benefit from using it outdoors. won't hurt anything, but the soil should have almost everything you need. molasses feeds the microbs and helps break down food for the plant to absorb. indoors contained in a pot that's cool outdoors, i think you would just be wasting it.
Thanks...this is what I'm soil most likely what molasses would bring to the table...everything looks well developed for 3 weeks. Just curious if there's a bunch of people that would testify to it taking the cake in a side by side comparison.


Well-Known Member
Molasses acts as a carbo load and helps bring out the natural sweetness in your bud. Not necessary, but it does help the taste.


Active Member
molasses is a must have! My plants EXPLODE after each molasses watering. It has helped my plants so much to receive the molasses watering. I definitely recommend it!


Well-Known Member
molasses is a must have! My plants EXPLODE after each molasses watering. It has helped my plants so much to receive the molasses watering. I definitely recommend it!
do you have a control group to show the difference? Yes it does help, how much who know in an outdoor grow. Are you containing it, nope. so how much would it help an outdoor grow. You can claim whatever you like, show me control group with one the had it and one that didn't and I will be glad to listen.


Active Member
i use molasses every year! its in my feeding schedule the moments pistols pop! It does help strengthen the stems as well as plump up the buds! also gives the plant a very sweet taste and smell! I say try it on one and watch the difference, if you like it use it on the rest! it wont hurt nothing! and its cheap! just bought a gallon today for $13


Active Member
One of my biggist concerns using it outdoors would be attracting animals. I'd hate to have my babies dug up by some racoon or something.


Active Member
Use molasses as part of a brew for your plants. Use along with worm castings, seaweed extract and when flowering starts add with some bat shit! ... all cheap organic nutrients, tried and tested throoughout the ages.


Active Member
OK, for those that do use it.. whats the application rate? Tsp or tbls per gal? My lil outdoor grow seems like it needs more frosting on the cake.. and not to distract from the thread, but what about purple max or snowstorm? does same as molasses right? anyone use those as a foilar feed?

Unknown strain @ 4 weeks:



Active Member
Never had experience of racoons (never even seen one) but might urine not deter them? its cheap so maybe an option?


Well-Known Member
I use it outdoors in my potted plants doesn't seem to hurt anything and my buds are already frosty as hell at 3 weeks flowering dense too


Well-Known Member
he gets a bonus
I use Alaska Fish Fertilzer AND Molasses and I live in the sticks in Central Oregon...I've had bear (as evidence by the cherry/berry pit shit around my plants) and some critter or another has sniffed around the base of my plants and even made a small depression in the soil depressions my plants grow in, but no animal has ever disturbed the plants due to molasses or Fish Fert. The worst that has happened is I caught my dog lifting his leg on one of my plants and the urine burned the leaf. can read about my control group study of use of molasses vs molassesless MJ growth in this issue of the Harvard Medical Marijuana Journal. :)

I've just always used it..It's cheap, natural, organic and TO ME works.


Well-Known Member
Molasses acts as a carbo load and helps bring out the natural sweetness in your bud. Not necessary, but it does help the taste.
I haven't read all posts, but that type of thinking is how people screw up their grows. The more sugars I add, the sweeter the buds.
Molasses acts as food for the "micro beastie" heard that's alive in your soil. The more "alive" your soil is, the better for your plants. You want those micro beasties feeding, farting, crapping, and fornicating in that soil.
So, don't over do the molasses, I add to my teas, only 1 teaspoon per gallon. Helps the micro beastie heard I'm trying to develop in my teas eat and multiply.
Hope this helps...