Molasses yellowing your leaves


Well-Known Member
Has anyone come into this situation with using molasses in your outdoor garden because it seems to me that I must be doing something wrong here cause no one else I can think of has told me about any yellowing happening to there leaves while using molasses during flower...unlessss I just haven't gotten to the right person yet.

Has anyone had this happen to them ?

Other then stop using molasses is there a way to stop this from happening at all ?

any idea's comment's or story's would be greatly welcomed and appreciated. :lol:



Active Member
i used molases and didnt seem to do anything to my buds.....but have read of all the great things it does for your much are you using and how often


Well-Known Member
dude the some of the leaves will naturally yellow and possibly die when its flowering, you are feeding it flowering nutes that are higher in P and K, but low in Nitrogen. this is good and natural. feeding more N will give it color and make it look healthy... and it will also make your bud taste like ass. Dont quote me but in my expirience feeding more N = nasty taste, it has like a chemical hint to it. its no bueno. look at some harvests here, you will see they all had yellowing leaves...


Well-Known Member
yea i use mollases also and normally the leaves to turn yellow , if you add some fish fertilizer , it should solve the problem , ive it equal amounts everythin. n-p-k


Well-Known Member
i did use it and i dont think it did anything for them.. stupid question but how would i know if it is working or not and how often should i give them nitro


Well-Known Member
I did an experiment this year - gave one group of plants molasses - none to the other. Both groups received my normal NPK ferts.

No detectable difference whatever between the 2 groups. IMHO molasses is another Old Wives´Tale.


Well-Known Member
i did use it and i dont think it did anything for them.. stupid question but how would i know if it is working or not and how often should i give them nitro
You will know its working when fewer leaves start turnin yellow and dyeing.
I would keep givin them nirto right untill i flush them for a week or 2.

It might not had helped cause it was too weak , or more mollases was fedd to it then the nitro.

someone else

Active Member
dude the some of the leaves will naturally yellow and possibly die when its flowering, you are feeding it flowering nutes that are higher in P and K, but low in Nitrogen. this is good and natural. feeding more N will give it color and make it look healthy... and it will also make your bud taste like ass. Dont quote me but in my expirience feeding more N = nasty taste, it has like a chemical hint to it. its no bueno. look at some harvests here, you will see they all had yellowing leaves...
Great comment because I agree with it. :-)

Molasses can slowly turn your soil acidic (if you haven't flushed it with water) which could cause a yellowing.

It's natural for leaves to turn yellow (hell, look at my grow this year in my sig) as the flower starts towards the end. There's not much nitrogen left (unless you've been supplementing it) by this time of the year, so that could very well be it.


Well-Known Member
Great comment because I agree with it. :-)

Molasses can slowly turn your soil acidic (if you haven't flushed it with water) which could cause a yellowing.

It's natural for leaves to turn yellow (hell, look at my grow this year in my sig) as the flower starts towards the end. There's not much nitrogen left (unless you've been supplementing it) by this time of the year, so that could very well be it.

ill go ahead and give them another dose of nitro and see if i can spike it back up. I just dont want to freak out my plants or cause all the leaves to fall off lol....

since it causes such acidicness should i water the hell out of them and then mix bloom with nitro to give the plant back what i leeched out ?

someone else

Active Member
It causes acidic soil over time. One good flush of just plain water one watering helps (IMO).

You could give it some extra nitro, but I'd be careful with the bloom nutes this far along in flowering. Again, IMO, I would hold back on the additional bloom nutes and just switch to water and molasses for a few feedings.

Just a suggestion, but maybe your bloom nutes are creating more acidity then the molasses is...didn't realize how many nutes you were still giving it.


Well-Known Member
it causes acidic soil over time. One good flush of just plain water one watering helps (imo).

You could give it some extra nitro, but i'd be careful with the bloom nutes this far along in flowering. Again, imo, i would hold back on the additional bloom nutes and just switch to water and molasses for a few feedings.

Just a suggestion, but maybe your bloom nutes are creating more acidity then the molasses is...didn't realize how many nutes you were still giving it.

whats imo.....??

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Older leaves turning yellow aren't really a problem. You may want to add some Phosphorus to your feed, they need that to bloom.