

Active Member
where would i find molasses... like in what kindof store and what kind should i get and how much should i use...?????

ive seen this is the fourm before but cant seem to find the answers im looking for ...


Well-Known Member
I hope you have a horticulture store near you that would be the best place. If you do not then I am sure you can find somewhere online. I use blackstrap molasses unsulphered and I use 2 tablespoons at the third week into the flowering stage every watering or feeding till I am to start the flushing period prior to harvest.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Safeway next to the Maple Syrup, Albertsons, Rays Market etc. I use Grandma's 1 Tbl spoon per gallon up to flush. I use 1 tbl spoon per gallon once a week in Veg and every feeding in flower up to flush.