Mold beggining to appear on harvested buds, what to do?


Well-Known Member
As the title says I harvested, dried, and cured my buds months ago and they have been stored in a mason jar for months now. I have consumed half of them but small white mold patches are beginning to appear here and there. I just live in a humid tropical environment. What can I do? So far I'm chopping the affected parts of buds...


Well-Known Member
As the title says I harvested, dried, and cured my buds months ago and they have been stored in a mason jar for months now. I have consumed half of them but small white mold patches are beginning to appear here and there. I just live in a humid tropical environment. What can I do? So far I'm chopping the affected parts of buds...
Sounds like there could be some trapped moisture in there somewhere.

it will be grey mould almost like cobwebs from spiders.

Are you burping the jars periodically?

Could be worthwhile investing in some BOVEDA 62’s?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your cured buds still had too much moisture in them. That's why my weed doesn't go into jars until it's fully dried. You're not the first to get moldy buds from sealing incompletely dried weed in a jar after curing. In fact there are many that likely don't even realize they're smoking moldy buds.

The only thing you can do with that moldy weed is toss it in the trash.


Well-Known Member
Burp jars...even when you are "sure" they are good.
Never just let your meds sit and think all is good.
Very perishable, like anything grown.
Peace and good luck.


Active Member
You need to take them out the jars and let them dry more then put them back in the jars once moisture level is about 12 percent water content. Find this out by rolling a joint if it stays lit and dont go out it ready for the jars


Well-Known Member
once that mold starts spores be flying around everywhere in that jar.
it was too wet to put into jars