mold helpp!!


my plant was just harvested today because i small spots of brownish mold on the buds. i cut it off and no its afraid it wasnt ready because the trichomes didnt seem potient enough. will the trichomes get more potent during the drying and curing stage?? thankss


Well-Known Member
What due you mean potent enough? The curing process will help a little but if you harvested to early it wont matter. Do you have a microscope?


i dont have a microscope...i was planning on buying one but i had to harvest early because of the mold:( i quick dried some so i can see what its like and it didnt feel potent. idk if its from the quick drying or if that how it developedd


Well-Known Member
Quick drying it will diff not give you a good indication of how potent it is. Give it a bit and see how she turns out, got any pics?