Mold In The Flowering Stage?


Noticed some discoloration in 3 buds and not sure what it is. Week 7 of the flowering stage. The strain is Honey Cream FAST version feminized. Was planning to start flushing and harvesting in 2 weeks. What should do? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Cut out the brown and soft stuff, hopefully you don’t lose everything. You may need more airflow up there but that third picture definitely goes in the trash. Use your hands and open the colas up and look for dark soft spots. Look where the dead yellow leaves are inside the buds, you’ll find a lot of it there. If it’s gotten out of hand already you might as well cut it, but the mold will spread in the drying room too so you want to remove as much as possible before hanging. You don’t want to smoke mold or let anyone else smoke it either, if it’s moldy, trash it.


Well-Known Member
As others have stated chop the brown and flush it down! (The only thing and time you flush) If it’s yellow let it mellow (the leaves) till harvest :).
Get aggressive with cutting out the brown. It can spread to other areas and other plants even. Best of luck. :leaf: