moldd helpp!!!


my plant was just harvested today because i small spots of brownish mold on the buds. i cut it off and no its afraid it wasnt ready because the trichomes didnt seem potient enough. will the trichomes get more potent during the drying and curing stage?? thankss


Well-Known Member
Don't mess up and you nugs won't degrade.

They won't get anymore potent then how well you cure them, how well you cure is = to how many less carcinagins you have to smoke because you were able to successfully release as much moisture as nessesary without degrading the thc/cbd or other cannabinoids.


Well-Known Member
well, you shouldnt have harvested. some mold killer, higher temp, and lower humidity is what i would have done
Now, to maximize what ya got, cut them with the longest branches ya can, (remove the fan leaves), and hang them, hopefully any juice ya got will go into the nugs.
youll probably end up with a lil harsh smoke, cuz you didnt feed pure water the last week, removing any chems.


Well-Known Member
curing is only removal of moisture from yur bud.You must let her grow out fully to the tell tail signs she is ready to pick ,for the full potency of your ganj.