Moldy weed?


New Member
Hey guys, made an account to ask a serious question:

So I bought about 8-10 grams of weed about 7-8 months ago, smoked about 2-3 grams, but I had to go on a family vacation so I left the weed in my basement. Basically, the weed was closed in 2 plastic bags and wrapped inside a shirt and then I put it in an extremely dark corner (absolutely no light and no air ventilation) and it's been sitting there for a looooooong time, 7+ months. I came back today and I noticed that the weed had lost almost all of it's smell, there was barely any smell left, I remember it had a very strong smell to it when I bought it; also, the weed looked pale and lost colour, a light green color to it when originally it was darker. I'm not sure if it was mold or not, but I smoked about 0.8-1 gram and did not get high at all for about 5 minutes (I usually get high within 30 seconds regardless of the type of weed) so I was thinking that it's lost its potency, but then it hit me like BAM and I was high!

So basically I'm wondering if I should keep smoking it because I still have a decent amount of weed and don't want to waste it, but I need to keep my health as the top priority and don't want to inhale mold and get it into my lungs :(

What do I do guys?


Well-Known Member
if it was mold, you would smell it...and/or see the mold

sounds like it just dried up as it wasn't sealed good enough

it should be safe to smoke as long as there is no mold.....if there is mold, toss it


Well-Known Member
Did you not smoke at all for your overly extended 'vacation'? If so, you could smoke a bud from a plant grown in Rosie O'donnel's fat folds and get high...just sayin'


Well-Known Member
Smoke it, if you don't get high in less than 10 seconds smoke some more while standing on your head. That should work, but if not try this method. Get plastic bag like a trash bag and either a belt or some duct tape. Roll a fatty, light it, put the bag over your head and the belt around your neck. It has to be tight, also lean forward and look down don't let the joint burn any holes in the bag, or it won't work. Smoke as fast as you can, leave the bag on at least 30-45 minutes booom best buzz you ever had. If that doesn't do it combine the two methods, and smoke the shirt it was wrapped in that's where the thc went. good luck


New Member
Sorry guys I forgot about this shit lol, but here's a pic (found a little left in my pocket so took a pic of it)
This thread's probably dead so I might have to post it again?


Well-Known Member
Greetings, pretty sure your issue was a lack of proper storage & handling of finished product.

Mold would be white fuzz, spots, ammonia smell, black spots on stems etc.


Well-Known Member
ok, you originally posted about 10 days ago. You now have a duplicate post with the same question...

get over it...if you are that afraid of smoking some more over-priced commercial crap or grow your own.

I don't wanna come off like an asshole or nothing man. But if you really need to know how smoking moldy weed will effect you...ask your doctor.


New Member
ok, you originally posted about 10 days ago. You now have a duplicate post with the same question...

get over it...if you are that afraid of smoking some more over-priced commercial crap or grow your own.

I don't wanna come off like an asshole or nothing man. But if you really need to know how smoking moldy weed will effect you...ask your doctor.
I'm going into medical science, so I bitch out a lot sometimes, but inhaling spores isn't something smart to do - don't need to consult a doctor to know spores can grow inside your lungs, my main issue is just spotting the mold


Well-Known Member
I'm going into medical science, so I bitch out a lot sometimes, but inhaling spores isn't something smart to do - don't need to consult a doctor to know spores can grow inside your lungs, my main issue is just spotting the mold
Ok, since you are a medical scientist...use a microscope. Consult with a Botany/Horticulture student or professor.

I have a question for you though...have you grown cannabis before? Are you growing now? Are you thinking about growing?


Well-Known Member
So basically I'm wondering if I should keep smoking it because I still have a decent amount of weed and don't want to waste it, but I need to keep my health as the top priority and don't want to inhale mold and get it into my lungs :(
I'm going into medical science, so I bitch out a lot sometimes, but inhaling spores isn't something smart to do - don't need to consult a doctor to know spores can grow inside your lungs, my main issue is just spotting the mold
Which one is it??


Well-Known Member
So you bought slight more than a quarter and are fussing over it after this long? Fucking throw it away if you are that concerned. If you are sweating that pissant little amount, I call bullshit on you even being in college.