

Active Member
Can you use any kind of molasses during flowering. My plants are outdoors and been flowering for 3 weeks. I have molasses that we use to cook with or is there a special kind you should buy.


Well-Known Member
I like to use a bit at the start(get the hole ready and give it a water with molasses just to get the microbe's working before i plant)
then every couple of weeks during the flowering period.
i use it at 2 tablespoon per gallon....:-)


Well-Known Member
What does that do to the flowering stage?
Supplies carbs to fatten buds. Also provides lots of good nutrients that promote good over-all growth during flowering. Doses vary. I use 1TBL per at every other bud-time watering. You can just add any additional fert,etc. to the molasses mix.
Mix TBS with a little of the gallon's water, heat on stove or zap in microwave, pour hot solution back in gallon, to ease in mixing.

I've never run into any "sulphered" molasses, so whatever you can find should be fine. I read on here that starting molasses at month two of flowering helps the most . . . did so. Certainly does something +.


Well-Known Member
Keep in mind that stored mixed, this stuff can stink (even ferment) so try and use what you mix, or share excess with the roses? It's NOT a pleasant aroma. I went ahead and used it on a plant, figuring possible good bacteria . . . eek! It didn't seem to hurt anything, but reeked until it was finally dry and re-watered with fresh.