

Well-Known Member
i popped a capsule for the 1st time at the bar last night

it was amazing stimulated and feeling my self
i want more
is insulfating better than taking orally


Well-Known Member
Did you test it? I'm assuming you took methylone because you aren't sure and that's a fairly safe bet these days. It's similar to MDMA but more of a stim and less magical. Get yourself a set of test kits and make sure you're buying what the seller claims it is. Snorting hits faster is a little more intense but wears off faster. MDMA is already short acting to the point that I will almost always boost so I'd rather go with oral for the longer experience that takes an extra 20 minutes to kick in.


Well-Known Member
Like he said.... it probably wasn't MDMA long story short. But with actual MDMA, I prefer to pop .3, and snort .1... then go from there. That probably translates to popping .15... and snorting .05 for the average tolerance.

The buzz from eating it is actually a bit better than snorting IMO. But to me, the combo of eating a bit and snorting a bit is better than one or the other.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to just be patient these days but I once did the same as Skuxx. Snorting MDMA is rather unpleasant if you're not used to putting things up your nose. It's not snorting a 2C but it's no fun either.


Well-Known Member
it took 40 miutes to kick in and it lasted about 3 to 4 hours
but from the pictures people from the forum posted of the crystal mdma it looked pretty similar
but im not sure
but i like it


Active Member
Everything I could have or would have said has already been said for me. If you can test its legitimacy and get more, good for you, man! True MDMA is so few and far between on the streets anymore. If it's not, I'd suggest trying to find some so you can compare the two and see how far MDMA stands out on top.


Well-Known Member
what a coincidence that this is the top thread. I'm rolling my face off right now. Just had to drive 45 minutes home in pouring rain with cops everywhere. There's some fire molly going around here for once... nice chunks. and this is my first time taking it in a while. Only got a g ($40), and still have like .3-.4! bout to take it though n pull an all nighter


Well-Known Member
im gettin more tonight n my coworkers got a test kit
im in a mlitary buble so idk if it legit itd be tight if it was


Well-Known Member
friend of mine that moves to PA read an article on molly yesterday. article said molly was really a mix of ecstacy with crack heroin bathsalts and so on. i fucking died laughing...


Well-Known Member
MDMA= The world is a wonderful place. That's the only way I know to describe it. lol My wife and I used to roll a couple times a week, for about a year and a half to two years. Would love to find some real stuff now.


Well-Known Member
In my personal opinion, I wish you could simply grow molly...I think shes the best overall drug period. Beans, weed, and alcohol are pretty much all I touch... Sure there might come a day when i try something else, but those are my top and only three. :)


Well-Known Member
I have done about everything. Ecstasy is by far my favorite. I don't count weed. That's just like breathing. It's not a drug, it's a necessity.