Monster Mass


first time gonna go to monster mass waiting for the tiket to go on sale let me know how its like is it even worth it


Active Member
In this case, it was a graveyard SMASS

My elementary school's Halloween party was called the monster mash haha!


Active Member
Monster Massive 2009 was the best rave I have ever been too, I suggest you go :). I loved how everyone dressed in such creative costumes, my favorite costume were this group of 5 people that dressed like waldo and his 4 friends

But the greatest part of the night was that i was honored to hear the legend himself, Armin Van Buuren.


I Love living in Southern Cali.


Active Member
I don't know how the line up is going to be this year because insomniac is throwing their own Halloween party the same night as well. I'd honestly wait and see both line ups because imo, insomniac throws the best raves.

just my 2 cents