Monster mothers


Well-Known Member
Was going to go clean up the veg room today mostly the moms, and I noticed some of these things are topping 7 ft tall, not sure quite how I should be managing the height on them.i generally cut a good chunk of the top off but I cant imagine that's good for them at all. I've tried bending them (not with a wet paper towel) and ended up with some gnarly splits and cracks. The moms live on, but I only have so much ceiling here.. any tips or tricks? That purple stuff is clonex, i tried it one day and it seemed to close the wounds pretty quick almost like liquid bandaid lol20210329_111616.jpg20210329_111636.jpg20210329_111641.jpg20210329_111646.jpg20210329_111601.jpg20210329_111536.jpg16170457965334108158168628206031.jpg20210329_111616.jpg20210329_111636.jpg20210329_111641.jpg20210329_111646.jpg20210329_111601.jpg20210329_111536.jpg16170457965334108158168628206031.jpg
Has to be that tall for my resivoirs to catch the water, regaurdless I dont want 8 foot tall mothers if I can avoid it. I can put the moms on the floor if I wanted but I'm trying to figure out how to manicure the plants properly
Was going to go clean up the veg room today mostly the moms, and I noticed some of these things are topping 7 ft tall, not sure quite how I should be managing the height on them.i generally cut a good chunk of the top off but I cant imagine that's good for them at all. I've tried bending them (not with a wet paper towel) and ended up with some gnarly splits and cracks. The moms live on, but I only have so much ceiling here.. any tips or tricks? That purple stuff is clonex, i tried it one day and it seemed to close the wounds pretty quick almost like liquid bandaid lolView attachment 4865910View attachment 4865911View attachment 4865912View attachment 4865913View attachment 4865914View attachment 4865915View attachment 4865923View attachment 4865910View attachment 4865911View attachment 4865912View attachment 4865913View attachment 4865914View attachment 4865915View attachment 4865923
Hey brother, nice to see you around. This is not a problem I have ever had so I won't try to give you advice but wanted to stop and say hi.
Was going to go clean up the veg room today mostly the moms, and I noticed some of these things are topping 7 ft tall, not sure quite how I should be managing the height on them.i generally cut a good chunk of the top off but I cant imagine that's good for them at all. I've tried bending them (not with a wet paper towel) and ended up with some gnarly splits and cracks. The moms live on, but I only have so much ceiling here.. any tips or tricks? That purple stuff is clonex, i tried it one day and it seemed to close the wounds pretty quick almost like liquid bandaid lolView attachment 4865910View attachment 4865911View attachment 4865912View attachment 4865913View attachment 4865914View attachment 4865915View attachment 4865923View attachment 4865910View attachment 4865911View attachment 4865912View attachment 4865913View attachment 4865914View attachment 4865915View attachment 4865923
Why did you lollipop mums?

I.would take 20 cuts from each and kill the mom's... then use the cuts as mothers
Why did you lollipop mums?

I.would take 20 cuts from each and kill the mom's... then use the cuts as mothers
Didnt have much room before so I had to to let the plants around them get light. Was in a couple tents before we made tables and a veg room.
Reading up on this atm thank you
I've done this before. If you cut it back you won't end up with many branches to give you clones, and you've already lost the choice lower tender shoots. You should just clone new mothers.
I've done this before. If you cut it back you won't end up with many branches to give you clones, and you've already lost the choice lower tender shoots. You should just clone new mothers.
Thank you! I guess I'll have to look into what the choice shoots are, I've always cloned the tops but there were a couple times where I had to chop a good amount off because I was running out of room.
Yep there's some kinda hormone (forgot the name)that comes from the roots and so the lower branches have more of this hormone then the upper. Also this hormone is what assists in the cuttings to develop roots.
i keep moms like you
once they get big i give em a 'haircut' if there arent many branches let em grow a bit then lst them down and let the branches grow from the nodes. repeat
once they get major root bound ill take cuts root them and keep the best one and make that the new mom. you can do this for a while before they loose vigor. which they do after a few years.
i heard to re-energize your plants a good summer in a green house or with direct sun usually brings them back? after they get that genetic drift