
T.C. Bosby

Well-Known Member
I've read about the concept of taking cuttings from a plant in flowering, revegging the cuttings, and making clones out of them. Other than the cool name, I was wondering if this had any benefits? Anyone on here use this method before? The pictures I've seen make the plants look pretty bushy, which can be useful, but I'd love to read some firsthand accounts if possible.
I tried this once with God Bud (which is bushy to start). The clones grew the same as regular besides they had a later start. They were also very bushy with almost too many nodes. I had to bonsai them a bit just to improve airflow. Besides that no real difference imo.
I only use this method when something goes wrong and I need a clone from a plant that's already flowering (I don't keep mothers). I've tried them indoor and outdoor, not worth the extra time they take to re-veg and although they tend to be more branchy, I've found them weak-ass compared to a good healthy clone or seed.