more info please


Active Member
My plant has arrived today and has been repotted, fed, watered and placed in the grow tent in the garage

As mentioned in a previous post, its a single plant in a 2 x 1.2 x1.2 grow tent fitted with a 600w light and all the kit situated in the garage.

How far away from the plant should the light be please?.

Also my lighting cycle is such that is darkened, during the night........ however outside the temperature may occasionally drop, to minus as it is winter....... if this happens will I need to add in some form of heating in the tent?

the last thing I want to do is shock the plant with extreme temp drops, although I dont think this will be too bad, as the garage is double skin brick under an asbestos roof.

Could I have your opinions please.



Active Member

My plant has arrived today and has been repotted, fed, watered and placed in the grow tent in the garage

As mentioned in a previous post, its a single plant in a 2 x 1.2 x1.2 grow tent fitted with a 600w light and all the kit situated in the garage.

How far away from the plant should the light be please?.

Also my lighting cycle is such that is darkened, during the night........ however outside the temperature may occasionally drop, to minus as it is winter....... if this happens will I need to add in some form of heating in the tent?

the last thing I want to do is shock the plant with extreme temp drops, although I dont think this will be too bad, as the garage is double skin brick under an asbestos roof.

Could I have your opinions please.



Well-Known Member
check how hot it gets how close and try make an educated desicion urself maybe? what are the temps like daytime?
coulda been better having lights at night ,usin the natural temp drop to help regulate . .
try it at a foot and no further, see how it goes , drop closer and keep an eye out for burns . .
you got a cirulation fan in ur tent? intake fan? etc . .