More Nitrogen Deficiency?


Hey guys, I am having more problems with growing... This is a sensi star that I have been growing for about 3 weeks from seed. It was doing ver well I think under my 430w HPS bulb. I was giving it water and the General Organics Bio Weed (0.2-0-0.3). Around the beginning of the third week I gave it some of the General Organics Bio Thrive (4-3-3). The plant didn't respond well to it and I think burned a little, so I flushed it with three times the volume of the container. This is the plant about a day and a bit after flushing and the leaves are curling and starting to yellow. I think that this is nitrogen deficiency but I want a second opinion. The soil is Promix Premier for containers and the water and nutes have been pH balanced to around 6.6. I had a similar problem with my other two plants and I sprinkled some coffee grinds on top of the soil to try and fix the nitrogen deficiency I think it worked but it didn't work awesomely. So my questions are: Is this nitrogen deficiency and if it is, how should I fix it? Should I go out and add some blood meal to raise the N in the soil?
My theory is that the solution is simply too strong for the plants and that when I feed them, the roots must be getting locked out of the nitrogen by the rest of the solution. Does this sound like a reasonable explanation? Since the problem with the other two plants also started when I started giving them the Bio Thrive. Thanks for the help guys.
PS: The new growth looks alright, but I do know that it is spreading from the bottom up just like last time.

First pic is Nuteburn? (Can anyone confirm this?)
Second is overall view
This is the curling leaves and yellowing
Fourth is a view of the new growth
Fifth is showing the purple stems of the branches (Should I be worried about this?)


Well-Known Member
Go get some real nutes. Some thing basic like a 2 part or 3 part. Technaflora,Gen hydro,I prefer dutch master gold. But it really doesn't mater by brand some just are mad up of more salts then others. Gl Jay


New Member
first off pooky your doin fine i would suggest plucking your lower fckt up leafs let plant soil dry up a bit do things in stages not to fast watch for plant responses ph is important but your in there 6.6 is good might wanna raise it to 6.8 new growth looks ok i would suggest getting some additives like supermax B and or cal/ mag that alone added to your A - b veg nutes should bump up your nitrogen
anyways stop trying to fix things to fast all your doin is adding more problems take it slow mark down next feeding what you gave them give it a week and observe


@Phisphan1995: So you think that just switching over to a different company for nutes would work, and fix the problems? Has General Organics got a bad name?
@DrFever: Alright, I'll try to take it slower, but if I do; how good of a chance do I have of the plants dying on me? Like if I let the problems progress for a week, then what's the worst thing that happens, is the plant stunted and then it continues or could it actually die in a week? I'll try to go out and pick up some more additives soon.


Well-Known Member
After you flushed it~ Did you finish up your flush with some nutrients? Cause you washed what nutes they had out. Since you flushed with plain water if you water with a full dose of nutes it will be water down cause the dirt is full of water. Which is okay! You don't want it too strong! I'm thinking feed a full dose of some nutes soon as possible! I just took a second look:clap: You have'em in 18 oz cup wtf pop them plants out of the cup and check the roots! I'll bet you should transplant soon as possible in to at least 1 gallon pot but a lot of people would just go straight to 5 gallon! When the plants are bigger than the pot or cup you need to transplant:lol::lol::lol: Once you transplant into something good they should recover fully:clap: When you transplant make sure you give it some nutes! I not familiar with your dirt and nutes how hot they are but I go by ppm's a plant that size I would feed maybe 500-600 ppm's! Your diagnose was easy once I went back and seen them little cups8-)


Well-Known Member
Id say you have a ph problem goin on, that isn't the right color for a plant... its way too light lime green


Well-Known Member
wait..... after reading what you have wrote I would say she needs to be fed, promix has NO food in it and they are hungry. Try feeding a full dose of food and she should green up.. Promix can be a pain in the ass, next time if you use promix make sure you add some dolomite lime to the mix to keep ph stable


Well-Known Member
@Phisphan1995: So you think that just switching over to a different company for nutes would work, and fix the problems? Has General Organics got a bad name?
@DrFever: Alright, I'll try to take it slower, but if I do; how good of a chance do I have of the plants dying on me? Like if I let the problems progress for a week, then what's the worst thing that happens, is the plant stunted and then it continues or could it actually die in a week? I'll try to go out and pick up some more additives soon.
I have no experience with that brand. Just go with a 2 part base much easier to work with. Also you need to transplant the roots are getting bound in that little cup.


Active Member
possibaly almost time for a trasnsplant into something a little more roomy for your thriving roots,,


@MrGhettoGrower: Thanks for the input! I will move 'em to a bigger pot tomorrow for sure! Do you think it is easier when the soil is moist or dry?
@max316420: Thanks, I didn't know that about Promix! I'll be sure to add some stuff to it for my next time around, I do have to say that the soil has very good drainage though.
@kindbud27: I'll look into it, I just went to a local hydroponics shop and they gave me some when I went to buy some other stuff so this is what I have been using.
@phisphan1995: I'll look into switching to a different set of nutes next time.
@STEVO404: Gonna go for it tomorrow thanks.
@MrPoopers: I have to admit that I have been overwatering her a little, usually try to keep it to 3 days between waterings but sometimes I only wait two if she looks too dry.

Thanks guys, I'll try moving her and see how she recovers! Will be sure to give an update!


Well-Known Member
Transplant after watering helps to hold the dirt together. Gently squeezing the side and the bottom of the cup to loosen it up! Once you transplant it should clear up if you have the right soil~