more questions on cloning


Active Member
first off, thanks to everybody for helping me get things figured out in my last thread.

i have cloned 23 clones from 4 plants (6/6/6/5) of unknown sex. i am running stinkbuds cloner design with 10gal of well water (very good well, 5.5ph at any given time) and 8oz of clonex.

i am starting the clones under 18/6.. i seem to recall reading that i should put them in the dark for 24 hours before i start a light cycle.. have i been smoking too much dirt weed?

now, the 4 plants i just pulled clones from are 6 weeks old and very ready for flowering. however, i did just clone from them.. should i put them into a dark cycle, or leave them in veg a bit longer to recover, or can i dump them right into flower for sexing?


Well-Known Member
you dont need to put them in the dark,and you can flower your clones as soon as they are rooted


Active Member
not flowering the clones.. the veg plants i pulled the clones from.. i'm sure taking clones stressed them a bit.. is it cool to dump them right into flower??

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
give them a week to recover after taking clones
Even though I take a snip from the flowering room from any seed plant at the earliest possible time, because I put seedlings in 12/12hr hps as soon as the first adult leaves are well developed, it would be best to let these plants veg a week as prescribed by pilgram. I do all of my vegging with 24/0hr lighting.


Active Member
ok.. now i should expect decent roots about 9 days after i put them in the cloner, right?

what's this i keep reading about cutting the leaves on clones.. something about it makes it root faster?