more root less fruit

first time growing in coco coir, auto plants fruiting well but other plants terrible, large root mass but very low yield, i would say a quarter what i would expect of my soil grows, same pots as always used, canna nutes for coco used, during veg brilliant growth thought great but flowering very bad, got more bud off a plant in a 2litre hempy under cfls, thats how bad it is. Been growing for 40odd years so thought i new the ropes but this is the worst stuff for yield i have ever used, Have I missed something


Well-Known Member
Might be the Canna A+B, i know people rave on about it being all ya need an its fantastic blah blah blah but as soon as i started using it i noticed a drop in yield so i think ill be changing when these bottles are empty
thanks used it on my autos they ok, might try my fav tomatoe feed or phostrogen used them before in dwc, ring culture, soil etc they never let me down.but dont know how they will do on coco, trouble is a few plants flowering with coco so will try a couple on tomatoe feed. ring culture by the way is a old fashioned way of growing in pebles with a soil pot on top, roots dangled through holes in pots to pebles in greenhouse in a trough filled with nutes, eary hydro. So most tomatoe fert ok in hydr some even mention ring culture.